Angelo Nasios (or as I like to call him, G-Fresh) is a tarot reader to keep your eye on. He’s been reading for a while and is starting to make waves on the tarot scene. With videos on YouTube and hot topic blog posts, he’s bringing a brash and cheeky vibe to tarot that is guaranteed to wake it up and prevent it from heading to Dullsville. Angelo is fearless when it comes to simply being himself. And this is what makes him unique. He’s not trying to be anything but Angelo and it is this authenticity that makes him the cosmic kick in the pants that tarot needs.
Angelo took time to answer a few questions that I had about the younger set in tarot. As you can see – he may be fresh faced but his answers are very wise.
1. What age were you when you started?
Angelo: I started reading at 13.
2. What drew you into tarot?
Angelo: At the time I was interested in spell casting. I liked the idea of magick and casting spells. I visited a local store that sold metaphysical items. I was there looking for books on magick. However when I came across the shelf of tarot decks I knew I wanted them that instant. What drew me to the cards was that I felt they were magical, and I wanted something magical and by association I was Magical (Harry Potter just become popular and I was addicted to Charmed). I also wanted to make predictions. I saw Miss. Cleo on TV and when I would go to Greece I would see the tarot readers on TV (who were not half bad) also, it made me want to do it as well. Granted they are not the best tarot role models but to a 13 year old what am I to think?
3. Why do you think more young people don’t get into tarot as a profession?
Angelo: Many factors play a role in this. Most kids dream of becoming a doctor, lawyer or police man. We are prepped for socially accepted paths that are supposed to make us money. We go off to college to learn facts, math and Science. We live in an Emperor world, tarot as a profession is not accepted in that kind of mind set. What would happen if a child said to their teacher or parents they wanted to be a tarot reader when they grew up? Oh lord, the look on that teachers or parents face would be priceless. They might as well have said they want to be a pimp or a prostitute!
My generation is a lazy bunch, honestly I will admit it. We don’t want to work, we want to work little hours and make a lot of money. Sadly we can’t do that, we live in an Emperor world remember. So with that mentality young people would be less likely to read tarot professionally because they assume there is little money in it, on the other hand they could assume that they can make a lot of money with little work. Either way it’s a formula for disaster.
They may also fear what other would think of them, some people can’t admit to others they read tarot for the fear of rejection. It is for that reason I myself keep my tarot profession hidden from some people, it really sucks having to hide it. It is like hiding your hair. Sure you can wear a hat to hide your hair but you’re going to get ugly hat hair, plus I don’t like hats.
People don’t want to be looked at as if they are weird, a crack pot or a freak. We are an odd bunch but being a little odd is what makes us a great bunch if you ask me. I would rather be an odd ball than a muggle.
4. What are some of the stumbling blocks that you faced as a young reader?
Angelo: Insecurity and fear are two things that can really put a tangle in my tarot. Many young readers who start out are insecure with their ability to read. Fearing they will be wrong and unable to read, which leads humiliation. Insecurity can come in other forms, it can come as self-doubt. “I am I really good?”, “I am a bad reader”, and “I don’t know what I am doing”. If I myself get some cards and I can’t read them I feel like a failure and a horrible reader even if I just did a reading for someone and it was the best reading ever. We often feel that we need to be right all the time or else we are failure. That may be an ego thing, needing to be right for my ego, which depends on the reader. It used to be any ego thing for me years ago, I use to care if I was right, now I don’t care so much anymore, sure I hope I am right but all I can do is just say what the cards say. I don’t need to be right or prove anything. Being comfortable and alright with being wrong is an important thing I learned and my confidence has grown a lot in the last year. I am becoming more true to myself and working on the things that stumble me. As I say I am coming into my inner Leo and owning that energy.
Another thing that poses a challenge is keeping up with other responsibilities in my life. Working a full-time job (non-tarot related sadly) and going to school take up a lot of time and energy. Two of Pentacles and 10 of Wands type of energy. I do try and spend most of my free time with my tarot, working on my book and connecting with other readers when possible. Staying active and not becoming lazy can also be a challenge for me. With all honesty I am a lazy Leo. I love to just lie back on a cozy comfy bed and watch TV.
5. How have you been treated by the tarot community?
Angelo: The community has been great; no one has shown up to my house yet threatening me with cement shoes and a swim with the fishes. For those who have seen some samples of my book they have had positive responses. I get good feedback and comments on my YouTube channel. YouTube is filled with trolls and I have been attacked by some people. I normally just delete the posts. I can’t waste my time with that. For the most part people have been open to sharing ideas and nonjudgmental. I do see and have experiences with people who are ridgid with the tarot and will fight you and your interpretations. Overall I have been treated well.
6. Have you faced any prejudices because of your age?
Angelo: None that I am aware of. I often hear how wonderful it is that someone my age is reading tarot and that I read it as well I do for my age. My gender has also be commented as well, saying that the male perspective is different from the female, that men are more direct while women are wordy or “woo woo”. Wither that is true I don’t know, it has only been told to me.
7. How do you think we can get more, younger people interested in tarot?
Angelo: If you get Snookie or The Situation reading tarot I am sure that more young people will get into Tarot. Also if Madonna started reading tarot I am sure the rest will follow – it worked with Kabbalah. But seriously how can we get younger people more interested in Tarot? It is hard to do that because tarot is not mainstream, tarot is not visible to many people. The only time we really hear about tarot is when the frauds get caught or 60 Minutes does a special on psychic scams. There is one tool we can use, Social Media. Social Media is key to getting people exposed to tarot. If someone wants to learn about tarot they will go on the internet and learn about it. We need to provide material that is fun, useful and relatable. Beyond Worlds, Psychic Friends Live and the Tarot Connection are three great examples of what happens when you combine tarot and social media. You get fun, useful and relatable material that young people will be drawn to. I think that YouTube is under-used by the tarot community. I think more readers should be on YouTube doing readings, talking about tarot and sharing ideas.
8. What would be your message to younger readers?
Angelo: If tarot is your passion don’t stop reading. It may be cliché but you can do anything you want, tarot is not something out of reach or beyond anyone’s ability. You need to be willing to study. You need to commit yourself to the Tarot. Tarot is a lifelong lesson, you don’t study tarot like other things, there is no Tarot University where you get a degree in 4-6 years, no, tarot is forever. You need to be in the long haul. This may seem over whelming but it is not. Tarot provides great rewards and wonderful experiences. Connect with the community and be a part of the community. Interact with other readers and learn from everyone you can get a hold of. Read books, blogs, listen to radio shows, podcasts and watch YouTube videos. The more you do to experience tarot on a regular basis the better.
In the words of Whoopi Goldberg “If you wake up in the morning, and you can’t think anything but singing, then you should be a singer, girl.” If you all you do is wake up and think tarot, then you should be a tarot reader.
Learn more about Angelo at his website:
Watch for tomorrow’s post with Jessica Bowman!
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