Cover Your Ass-Trology with Monthly Astrological
Forecasts and Horoscopes!
MARCH 2025
We’re three months into the year that felt like a million years. On the one hand, it’s going fast. On the other, not fast enough. March is giving tension, drama, and changes, which means this month requires careful navigation with a side of Pepto Bismal. Read on, astro-cats.
The month begins with Venus retrograde on the 1st, a transit known for break-ups, make-ups, and relationship shake-ups. Love feels like the soapiest soap opera, which can manifest as dramatic scenes with your honey or the sudden reemergence of an ex. In other words, it’s complicated. It’s best to keep a cool head and heart during this period, which lasts until April 12th. This period can also bring on stupid spending – especially the retail therapy kind. Put your credit cards on ice, and you’ll stay out of financial trouble! Lastly, Venus retrograde is never a good time for elective plastic surgery. Put that tummy tuck on hold. Better yet, forget about it! You look fine!
Mercury in Aries on the 3rd means fast thinking, snap decisions, and mental restlessness will rule until the 29th when the trickster planet slips back into Pisces. Be nimble and quick but not too impulsive.
Yes, it’s that time of the year again. What am I talking about? Eclipse season! Get ready to sweep everything clean with the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th. This Full Moon is like a lunar roto-rooter. Declutter your life, deep clean your home, and clear away anything that feels messy, whether physical items or negative thoughts. A shocking ending could happen around this day. If that occurs, let it go. Later on, it will make sense.
Another challenging development happens mid-month when Mercury stations retrograde on the 15th. Communication gets dicey, thinking turns cloudy, and travel could be aggravating. Technology hiccups are also possible, which could throw a wrench into your month. This is your nudge to slow down, breathe, and back up your computer! Mercury stations direct on April 7th.
Fiery vibes are on tap when the Sun darts into Aries on the 20th. It’s the best time of the year to start new things. Take chances, blaze trails, go where you’ve never gone before! Above all, don’t be complacent. Aries LOVES to take the lead. This pioneering energy lingers until April 19th, plenty of time to get fired up!
Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on the 27th, which could escalate emotional situations. For example, you could experience mixed signals from a partner or ex, which might lead to confusion. Or you may break it off only to pine away for what was. Nothing will make sense until Venus is direct next month.
The next eclipse strikes on the 29th! It’s a Solar Eclipse in Aries, which signals a new beginning. It’s also a supermoon, a lunar event that adds extra kapow! Whatever you begin today has the potential to change your life in dramatic ways. Of course, it’s also possible a fresh start may be foisted upon you. If that happens, trust the Universe and keep going.
Mercury moonwalks back into Pisces on the 29th, muddling thinking, travel, and communication. Emotions could get the best of you, hindering decision-making. Hold off on important moves until the retrograde ends on April 7th.
One more big celestial happening: Neptune is in Aries on the 30th. After years in the home base of Pisces, Neptune feels like a fish out of water. But not for long! You’ll see how to build the dream once you get used to this feisty and sensitive energy. Spiritual courage will help move past obstacles. In other words, this transit provides the ideal backdrop for bold new undertakings. However, you must keep your feet planted on the earth or risk chasing wild hares down endless rabbit holes.
Get ready for 2025 with The Tarot Lady’s Ultra-Deluxe Superfly Astrology Guide for 2025!
Psst…If astrology leaves you confused AF, you need to get my book: Astrology For Real Life – A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious. Available everywhere books are sold!
Want to level up your astrology and tarot knowledge – and learn how to apply that to your advantage? You’ll want Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot!
Annnndddd here’s your personal monthly horoscopes:

Gemini: Springtime is on the way, and your career is heating up, dear Gemini. A bevy of planets in the reputation sector of your chart casts a favorable glow over you. Your star is rising! However, Venus retrograde on the 1st brings jealous peers and frenemies out of the woodwork. The ones who don’t celebrate with you do not deserve your time or energy. Mercury in Aries on the 3rd may push you to be candid with these types, but you might want to put that on ice. The reason why: Mercury will be retrograde on the 15th, affecting your ability to make a point. A great day for spring cleaning is the Lunar Eclipse on the 14th. Spend the day on a declutter and deep clean – and you’ll be ready for warm weather entertaining. On the 20th, the Sun leaps into Aries, meaning your social life is about to become more active. Invitations come pouring in, so expect more fun! The week of the 27th finds Venus and Mercury stepping backward into your 10th house. You’ll have a few weeks to review your rep and do damage control if you’ve made a public faux pas. New friends and potential allies show up with the Solar Eclipse on the 29th. Whoever enters your life around this time could be important later. Your social life gets a lot more interesting when Neptune bounces into your friendship zone on the 30th. Artistic and intuitive folks are ready to enter your life, adding spice and mystique to your circle of friends. While that sounds nifty, remember that Neptune can be deceptive. Be careful that you don’t allow the frenemies back into your orbit.

Cancer: The urge to travel hits hard this month, dear Cancer. The Sun in the long-distance journey sector of your chart makes March ideal for indulging your wanderlust. However, Mercury will be retrograde on the 15th, so it’s best to jet off before then. Your reputation could experience a hit, thanks to Venus retrograde in your 10th house. Protect your good name by watching what you say. Mercury in Aries on the 3rd may tempt you to shoot your mouth off, but your words will come back to haunt you once the Trickster planet is retrograde. Important news arrives on the 14th when the Lunar Eclipse occurs. This could be a turning point, so be ready for a swift pivot…or exit. Career matters push you into a leadership position when the Sun marches into Aries on the 20th. You’re great at taking command, so this could be the moment where you flex your power. On the 27th, Venus will glide back into your travel sector, followed by Mercury a few days later. This combo means things could get expensive or disruptive if you are traveling. Plans could fall apart, leaving costly solutions in the wake. Frustrating? Yes. But be patient. You’ll sort problems out soon enough. The Solar Eclipse on the 29th opens up the door for a game-changing opportunity. This could be the golden ticket! Before you sign the contract, be sure to examine the fine print. Intuitive guidance benefits your career when Neptune changes signs on the 30th. Follow your hunches all the way to the top!

Virgo: Relationships are up for review this month, dear Virgo. The Sun shines a light on powerful connections, but Venus retrograde may have you questioning how close you want to get. It might be wise to take it slow, even if the other side comes on strong. Your ruler, Mercury, gets fired up in Aries on the 3rd. Passion rises, and the urge to do something spontaneous becomes stronger. But Mercury will be retrograde on the 15th, a cosmic reminder to play cool. The Lunar Return on the 14th is your golden ticket to stand on your own two feet. Or stand out as an individual. Maybe both. That day could end a relationship, freeing you to do your own thing. On the 20th, the Sun flits into your intimacy sector. Steamy nights are sure to follow. Even so, take your time before opening your heart. Focus on building trust. When Venus and Mercury move back into Pisces the week of the 27th, you’ll have opportunities to revisit your feelings. Reflect on what you want – and be ready to decide next month. The Solar Eclipse on the 29th could jump-start your finances. A new opportunity or joint venture could emerge that day and might be well worth exploring further. You may also receive news about a tax refund. If you filed early, this could be the day when you receive your dough. Intuition soars when Neptune slides into Aries on the 30th. Over the next decade-plus, your gut will steer you in the right direction every time.

Libra: March may bring a greater workload, dear Libra. A bundle of planets in the work section of your chart as the month begins puts more responsibility on your shoulders. Your ruling planet, Venus, is also retrograde, adding complications to relationships. Getting others on your side may feel like an impossible task. But if there is anyone who can navigate situations with diplomacy, it’s you. Mercury in Aries on the 3rd provides the courage to initiate touchy conversations. However, those could blow up in your face when Mercury stations retrograde on the 15th. Once that occurs, you’ll need to mind your words. The Lunar Eclipse on the 14th is best for rest. Taking a “me” day will keep you fit for this month’s challenges. On the 20th, the Sun will enter your partnership sector, a transit that tends to add spice to your most important relationships. This could manifest as steamy encounters or passionate arguments. Venus moves back into your 6th house on the 27th, followed by Mercury a few days later – this pair helps you review and repair rifts with coworkers. For single Libras, the Solar Eclipse on the 29th is promising. A hot newcomer could enter the picture, creating intrigue. Should you go for it? Why not? Partnered Libras might be ready to make it social media official on that day. Neptune lands in your 7th house on the 30th, laying the ideal foundation for a dream relationship. It’s a highly romantic transit that lingers for over a decade. Could this be your true love era?

Scorpio: Your love life could feel like a soap opera this month, dear Scorpio. On one hand, a busy romance zone indicates plenty of action. On the other, Venus retrograde moves the dial toward “it’s complicated.” While Mercury in Aries on the 3rd helps you find your voice, your words fall flat when it stations retrograde on the 15th. So what’s a good Scorpion to do? Take it slow, keep drama low, and avoid making promises you cannot keep. A friendship comes to a dramatic end around the Lunar Eclipse on the 14th. If someone exits the picture, let them go. You could find yourself in a leadership position when the Sun marches into the work sector of your chart on the 20th. You’re excellent in a boss role, so this will be your time to shine! However, your mind may be occupied with love matters when Venus and Mercury paddle back into your 5th house the week of the 27th. Situations could become confusing then, making it hard to focus. Even so, a promotion is possible when the Solar Eclipse arrives on the 29th. This could be a game-changer. If you play your cards right, you might be able to negotiate a hefty raise. Tap into your imagination and intuition to solve work dilemmas when Neptune cruises into your 6th house on the 30th. No matter how sticky the situation, you’ll find the most advantageous route.

Sagittarius: While roaming is your jam, March could find you stuck at home, dear Sagittarius. As the month begins, you’ve got a lot of astro-action in the domestic sector of your chart, which means family and household duties occupy more of your time than usual. Romance proves to be frustrating due to Venus’s retrograde. Miscommunication could cause your amorous adventures to fall flat. Although Mercury in Aries helps your flirt game, your tongue gets tied once it stations retrograde on the 15th. A pivotal career moment arrives with the Lunar Eclipse on the 14th. This could be a new job – or the end of an era. Be ready to make a sudden move around that day. The Sun warms up your true love zone for a few weeks, beginning on the 20th. A romantic dilemma could show promise soon after. The week of the 27th puts Venus and Mercury back into Pisces, which might stir up new family drama. Nip it in the bud. You don’t have time for that! This is especially true when the Solar Eclipse illuminates romantic possibilities on the 29th. Neptune slips into Aries the next day – these two astrological happenings signal the start of a dreamy, steamy love life. Meow!

Capricorn: March finds you deep in study or errands, dear Capricorn. Your 3rd house is filled with planets as the month begins, a gentle cosmic nudge that keeps you on the go for weeks. Watch your spending on luxury home items – Venus is retrograde, which could lead to buyer’s remorse. Your “handyman” spirit gets a lift when Mercury enters your domestic zone on the 3rd. You’re tempted to grab the hammer and get to work – but you might want to rethink this when Mercury stations retrograde on the 15th. Those home improvement projects could quickly take a frustrating turn. Put the hammer away – for now! The Lunar Eclipse on the 14th is lovely for a long-distance journey. Remember: Mercury is retrograde the next day, so it’s wise to have a Plan B if you experience travel delays or jet lag. Your home becomes a hive of activity when the Sun zips into Aries on the 20th. Suddenly, you’re hosting out-of-town guests or intimate cocktail parties. The week of the 27th finds Venus and Mercury taking a step back into Pisces, ideal for reviewing creative projects. Dust off that novel you’ve put aside – and get back on it! A loved one makes a shocking announcement on the 29th’s Solar Eclipse. Whatever the news, brace for the family dynamics to shift in a major way. Begin dreaming about your home renovation goals when Neptune melts into Aries on the 30th. A cabin in the woods? Or a move overseas? You’ll have plenty of time to make this dream a reality, but just imagine what is possible for now.

Aquarius: Money comes and goes this month, dear Aquarius. The earned income sector of your chart is active, providing resources and taking them away. It’s best to have a budget in place if you wish to keep more of your cheddar. Venus retrograde on the 1st makes self-expression feel like a chore. You have something to say, but the words come out wrong. When Mercury steps into your mind zone on the 3rd, you begin to sort out your thoughts. But Mercury retrograde on the 15th muddies the works, making it difficult to say what you mean. The Lunar Eclipse the 14th delivers a fiscal surprise. This could be a tax refund – or unexpected bill. Once again, if you are attentive to your budget, you’ll cruise past potential speed bumps. Travel sparks your interest when the Sun flits into Aries on the 20th. However, Mercury is still retrograde, so hold your horses. The week of the 27th puts Venus and Mercury back into your 2nd house, elevating expenses. Bills come due, spending is out of bounds, and that budget starts to feel like an albatross. Stay the course! Important news arrives with the Solar Eclipse on the 29th. Be ready to bust a move once you receive the word. Your imagination gets supercharged when Neptune shifts gears on the 30th. Suddenly, you can visualize your future in new ways. Whatever you can envision will become your reality.

Pisces: This is your season, dear Pisces, so prepare to shine! The spotlight favors you and accolades are bound to follow your every move. However, expenses could be high due to Venus retrograde. You’ll need to watch your pennies carefully if you want to avoid fiscal regrets. Mercury brings fresh money-making ideas when it enters Aries on the 3rd. However, some of those ideas could turn out to be duds once Mercury stations retrograde on the 15th. Therefore, you’ll want to curb impulsiveness. The Lunar Eclipse on the 14th may bring a hasty (and long overdue) exit of a partner. If anyone gets “eclipsed” out of your life around that time, let them go. It’s for the best. New income streams are illuminated when the Sun heads into your money zone on the 20th. Once again, you’ll want to approach this with caution. Next month is better for taking action. The week of the 27th puts Venus and Mercury back in your sign – is it time to review your wardrobe? Have you let yourself get sloppy? It might be time for an upgrade! Finances become available when the Solar Eclipse shows up on the 29th. Be prepared to negotiate and then sign contracts next month when Mercury is direct. Neptune in Aries on the 30th indicates financial fluctuations. So it’s best to consult with a wise financial advisor as soon as you can. The more you know, the more likely you’ll secure your future earnings.
Hey you! I have a free series for astro-newbies: Star School.
I’ve also got a book you might want to check out: Astrology For Real Life – A No B.S. Guide for the AstroCurious.
Learn how to mash-up tarot and astrology for your best life: Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot.
Astro-Biz Digest
Hey! Want to find out the optimal dates for everything on your business to-do list? Check out The Astro-Biz Digest. It’s a forecast + planning guide especially for entrepreneurs. YAY!