In celebration of International Women’s Day, I’m interviewing some very strong and dynamic women on my site this month. We’ll be talking about empowerment (and a little tarot and intuitive arts as well).

Today is official “International Women’s Day” so I am honored to interview a woman who has done some amazing things for women: Erin Giles. Erin is the founder of
End Sex Trafficking Day, an organization dedicated to educating people about sex trafficking. The end goal is to stop this form of modern day slavery. With a book and a growing community on
Facebook, Erin is bringing awareness and changing the world for women in a very profound way. This do-gooder is also a Business Philanthropy Consultant, teaching other businesses how to blend charity and humanitarianism into their business models. If there is any woman who should be the face for International Women’s Day, it’s Erin.
Q: What does it mean to be a powerful woman?
Erin: Being a powerful woman to me is about not letting life’s hurdles and failures take you down and keep you there. It’s about becoming stronger and vulnerably bringing your story to the world so that others can be inspired, changed and taught.
Q: When do you feel most powerful?
Erin: I feel most powerful when I realize what my story has inspired others to do. It makes the vulnerability and risk of feeling ashamed worth every minute. We all stories from our past that we aren’t proud of and may not even want to talk about ever again…for me some of my hard stories to share include getting on food stamps after quitting my day job and being abused but look what God has blessed me to be doing now. How dare I not share
my crazy stories because of shame when so many other people could be sparked with empowerment through them.
It’s these stories that can hold us back yet it’s these stories that can change the world because most times they reveal our misery and our misery reveals our mission. And my mission is to fight sex trafficking and teach women how to use their misery to launch a do good mission that can change even a small part of the world.
Q: Tell me about an experience in your life that made you feel empowered.
Erin: Raising $10,000 in one month so that the End Sex Trafficking Day book could be published was mega empowering. There were so many times I thought, “this is impossible, what in the world am I thinking!.” But I focused on speaking as though it was already done and with the help of over 200 donors it was and after that I felt if I can do that I can do anything.
Q: What inspires you to be on your path?
Erin: My daughter. Perhaps it sounds played out, but it’s true. She is why I came home full time in the first place and what motivated me to start my online business. I want to show her what
hard work, finding your passion and facing fears looks like and how empowering it can be for everyone who comes into contact with you. I want her to know that I fought incredibly
hard working day and night so that I could leave my dull day job and be at home with her doing what I love.
Q: How can tarot or other intuitive arts help women to feel empowered?
Erin: It can help them realize that there’s a bigger force in this world besides them and it’s bringing everything in line for them to grow to be their most powerful and beautiful selves if they just become a student of this
brilliant process we call life.
Erin Giles is the Founder of End Sex Trafficking Day and a Business Philanthropy Consultant that teaches businesses how to create and launch a do good mission into their business model one on one and with her course Rocket Your Revolution. She believes more than ever hope is alive and it’s alive in us. Erin’s been seen on USA Today, Inc, Forbes and Huffington Post. She writes weekly and is head rocket launcher at and happily welcomes tweets at @erinmgiles.
Mad props to Erin for taking time to chat – and for all she does in the world.
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2013
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