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Which tarot cards indicate entrepreneurship?

Which tarot cards indicate entrepreneurship? The Emperor

The Emperor – The Emperor is the boss daddy of the tarot – and a perfect card to see when inquiring about starting or running your own business. This guy is in control! If you are asking about entrepreneurship and you pull the Emperor, you can be assured that you’re going to nail it!

Which tarot cards indicate entrepreneurship? The Empress

The Empress – Like the Emperor, the Empress is another fantastic card to see if you’re asking about business. She’s large and in charge with a big harvest at her feet. This is a symbol of divine feminine leadership and abundance. What more could you ask for? Hail Queen!

Which tarot cards indicate entrepreneurship? Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands – The Ace of Wands is my favorite card to see if someone is just starting their own business – or thinking about it. This says “hell yeah” and “go for it!” The Wands holds the fire element and this card says: let your passion lead the way – take that spark and build, build, build!

Any of the Wands courts especially:

Which tarot cards indicate entrepreneurship? Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands – The Queen of Wands is my feminine entrepreneur card. She’s a brave leader, a creative thinker, and not afraid to take a risk. All qualities that make for a fab entrepreneur. She’s got boss lady energy – and the vision to do something big!

Which tarot cards indicate entrepreneurship? King of Wands

King of Wands – Like the Emperor, this fiery dude is all about running his own kingdom. He’s got the courage and the stamina to lead and create. This is one of my favorite cards for anyone who runs their own business or is in sales of any sort. The energy behind this card is pure enthusiasm + inspiration. As an entrepreneur, that’s the vibe you need and want.

Note: Although the Queen and King of Wands are my faves for entrepreneurship, any of the Courts could symbolize a business person. The reason why I choose these two above is the fiery, passionate energy behind them. In my opinion, that fire power is what drives an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is focused passion and those of us who run our own businesses know that day and day out this is a stressful path with much uncertainty. But our passion is what motivates us to stay the course, to ride the waves, to breathe during those times of unpredictable income, to keep on keeping on day after day.

Because the Wands rule fire and passion, they are always welcome in a question about enterprise. Even the stressed out Nine of Wands and Ten of Wands hold meaning for those of us who run our own businesses. We know fully well what those characters symbolize (the setbacks and the hard work). So yeah…the Wands have it.

Keep in mind that reversed Wands can symbolize the fire gone out. If that is showing up in a reading about your business, it may be time to take a long, hard look at your path to see what’s happened. Have you become complacent? Are you tired? Is the path too difficult? Or perhaps you’re not cut out for the grind? All good questions to ask if the fire within has died. Because without passion, it’s a hollow path.

What tarot cards represent entrepreneurship to you?  Share your thoughts with me on Twitter: @thetarotlady



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2017

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