I love going to tarot conferences. It’s a great way to meet my peers ‘n peeps, get the skinny on new products, and polish up my mad tarot skillz.
So what do I pack to make my experience balla-tastic? This is my must have list:
Workhorse tarot deck – I never take my beloved Baroque Bohemian Cats’ Tarot because I don’t want to risk losing or destroying it. Instead, a sturdy Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot works great. It’s easily replaceable and stands up to many hands handling it. A mini deck is a nice thing to bring as well. (This year, I brought along The Gilded Tarot Deck
– it’s gorgeous and reads well.)
Allergy meds and aspirin – I’m super allergic and prone to headaches so I never travel without my meds. I cannot do tarot if my brain is foggy or wracked with pain. I also grab some throat logenzes because I have a tendency towards laryngitis.
Notebooks for taking in info.
Electronics – Cell phone, laptop, iPad. Yes, I bring all three so that I can Tweet, share pictures on Instagram, blog, stay in contact with clients and take notes or record sessions that are important to me. (Do not forget your chargers for your devices!)
Business cards – For networking and exchanging info.
Quintessence Serapis Bey 25ml or some other “vibe cleansing” solution because energy gets whacked from swimming around all that intuitive mojo.
Camera – To capture fave moments and grab some fly photos for my blog. This year, I’m going to rely more on my iPhone and see how that works.
Corkscrew for late night wine rendezvous. (You never know.)
Comfortable shoes and a sweater. I also pack an umbrella because I ain’t gonna let a little rain ruin my daily walk.
Vitamins, EmergenC, and Starbucks Refreshers mix – Gotta stay healthy and jacked up for all that tarot goodness.
Yoga mat – I never go out of town without it. A good yoga practice in the morning keeps me fit, present. and relaxed.
Tea – I always bring my own supply of green and white teas because buying tea at the hotel is a waste of money and the quality isn’t always as good.
Square Up – I bring my mobile payment device just in case a client doesn’t carry cash.
Extra strength deodorant – Because I despise sweating and like to keep my killa cool.
My retainer and carrying case – Even a tarot thug has to sleep with apparatus to keep her grill straight.
Good sunglasses – my eyes are light sensitive so this is a must if I plan on hitting the town in the day.
Reading material – I must have something to read when I’m on the road. I always pack one magazine, one book, and a whole lotta stuff on the iPad. (The iPad has revolutionized my travels by making my bags lighter!)
Fun jewelry – A gal needs a little bling, yo.
Earbuds – Just in case I want to watch a little Game of Thrones or listen to some Rich Homie Quan and don’t want to disturb my neighbors.
Power strip – I have a lot of gadgets and need a lot of plugs. My power strip is pink leopard print in case you must know.
Projector – If I am doing a presentation that requires slides, I bring my own equipment. This way, I am sure it works with my stuff. Plus, that’s one less thing the conference organizers need to worry about. I use an Epson: Epson VS230 SVGA 3LCD Projector, 2800 color lumens, 2800 white lumens (V11H552220)
And of course, my clothes and toiletries but I won’t bore you with that jazz.
Sounds like a lot, right? Believe it or not, I can get this all locked down to one suitcase and a small carry on. This list keeps me happy and able to work or play comfortably while on the go.
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014
Here’s a list of some of the tarot conferences you may want to check out:
- Readers Studio
- TABI Conference
- Tarosophy Tarot Conferences
- North Star Tarot Conference
- Northwest Tarot Symposium
This list is by no means complete – search the web and you may just find one in your corner of the world.
illustration from stock photography
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