The Hit List - It’s a matter of trust

Someone asked me what the most important thing to consider when choosing an astrologer or tarot reader is. My answer was easy: trust.

:: You must trust they are skilled.
:: You must trust that they have your best interests at heart.
:: You must trust they are going to deliver what they promise.

A tall order? Yep. But if you don’t trust your reader, your experience will be tainted. Here’s why: if you come with an attitude of distrust, you’re approaching the reading with a closed, skeptical mind. That does not lend well to a helpful reading. Tarot is a two-way street that requires both querent and reader to be receptive.

A skilled reader can pull teeth from a closed mouth, but the level of discomfort for both parties turns it into a miserable experience. Worse, it can affect the accuracy.

So, how do you know if you can trust your reader?

Take your time to get to know them. In today’s world, the internet makes that easy. Most professionals have websites, blogs, YouTube channels, newsletters, and active social media accounts. You can get a taste of what they’re like, how they read, and if you like their personality (yes, personality matters – I don’t like to get readings from people who aren’t a good match). You can also get referrals from friends, but I find these are hit-and-miss. I’ve gotten referrals for readers only to find it wasn’t the right person for me (the reader was still excellent for the other person). Again, your vibes need to line up for the best experience.

When you take it slow, you’re more likely to get a read on their skill level (there are plenty of inexperienced folks on social media, and some are downright dangerous). You can also determine if they are reliable as well as if they are peddling scams (the old “you have a curse on you” nonsense, which is nothing more than a grift). Also, you’re more likely to make a wise rather than impulsive decision (for example, if you recently broke up with someone, you might be drawn in by those “your ex is thinking of you” readers).

But what if you’re a tarot reader or astrologer? How do you develop trust?

1. Keep learning. Tarot and astrology are not “one and done.” They require years of practice and continuous study. Most of the best metaphysical practitioners remain perpetual students, and you should, too, if you choose this line of work.

2. Keep your ego out of your work. It’s never about you, only about helping the querent. If you keep that in mind, you’ll remain centered on service, which is always best for the folks who come to you.

3. Always do what you say you will. That means delivering the email reading when you say you will. Showing up on time for the appointment. No last-minute cancellations (unless there is an absolute emergency). No excuses.

Lastly, treat your client with respect. Even if they don’t show you the same, remain a class act. This is how you build trust.


Psst…mutual respect does not mean putting up with client abuse. If a client acts cruel, rude, or leaves a shit review, you don’t have to work with them ever again.

Other stuff:

Get ready for this weekend’s New Moon in Leo. Yep, it’s a big deal!

I love Jane Friedman’s blog – and so glad to see Chelsey Pippin Mizzi on there: How to Use Tarot to Build Your Brand as a Creative.

Join me and a bevy of witchy folks for The Gathering of the Witches in October, an online event full of magick and more!

From Bust: Social Distortion: Mothers Against Media Addiction Are Fighting For Kid’s Mental Health.

A spoonful of vinegar for health? Why not?

Here’s what you need to know about how champions think.

I hate gambling.

WTH: The Meatfluencers Who’ve Sworn Off Veggies.

I have a copy of this book: Sarah Henstra’s new novel explores tarot, cults and the secrets of the art world.

Good: How Team USA Is Prioritizing Mental Health at the 2024 Olympics.

Appalling: Trump NABJ Interview Questioning Harris’s Race Was a Disgrace to Black Journalists Like Me.

Exactly: Vice President Kamala Harris Is Anything But a DEI Hire.

Oooh: New exhibit explores Viking Age women’s role as sorcerers and prophets.

Alex Van Halen wrote a book: Brothers.

Whoa this looks interesting: Dinner for Vampires: Life on a Cult TV Show (While also in an Actual Cult!).

Ketanji Brown Jackson has a new book coming soon: Lovely One: A Memoir.

Adding to my wish list: Learn to Watercolor: 20 Step-by-Step Beginner-Friendly Lessons on Watercolor Paper.

Intriguing: Eat Like a Girl: 100+ Delicious Recipes to Balance Hormones, Boost Energy, and Burn Fat.

I want to know more about this book: An Apostate’s Guide to Witchcraft: Finding Freedom Through Magic.

Yes, please: Stones in the Glade: The Old Craft in a New World.

Check out my books

Perfect your tarot skills with a good journal: The Weiser Tarot Journal: Guidance and Practice.

Tarot readings for those facing illness require careful wording. Avoid yes-or-no questions and choose your words wisely. My new book offers helpful insights on handling tough topics like illness, loss, and grief: The Cards You’re Dealt: How to Deal when Life Gets Real (A Tarot Guidebook).

Best plan for the weekend: grab a tarot deck, your astrology chart and this book: Twist Your Fate – Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot: Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot.

Are your kids complaining about having “nothing to do?” Get them a copy of Tarot For Kids, a deck designed just for them:: Tarot For Kids.

Intuition is a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. Tarot is like biceps curls for your sixth sense. Learn how to read like the High Priestess and get “psychically” fit with Tarot: No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading.

Prefer to listen to your tarot lessons? Check this out: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading is available as an audiobook.

Astrology is a huge topic. But once you understand a few fundamental concepts, you can start doing astrology readings for yourself…or for a friend! Get started with this book, Astrology for Real Life: Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious).

There is an audio version if you prefer: Astrology For Real Life.

Bored with your tarot deck? Maybe it’s time to get a new one. Check out The Uncommon Tarot: The Uncommon Tarot: A Contemporary Reimagining of an Ancient Oracle.

Indulge your inner child with a quiet day spent coloring through the Tarot Coloring Book. It’s a playful way to learn tarot – and we all need some fun pastimes right about now: The Tarot Coloring Book.

If there’s something in the world that breaks your heart—injustice, unfairness, inequity—don’t sit helplessly. Take action. This book explores how to use Tarot to grow your courage and do the hard work, instead of turning away: Tarot For Troubled Times.

Looking for a fun activity for your next self-care night, date night, or family night with the kids? Try…making your own Tarot deck: Create Your Own Tarot Cards: A step-by-step guide to designing a unique and personalized tarot deck! Cards included!

Self-employed? Freelancing? Running your own business? You need The Astro-Biz Digest. An astrological forecast especially for entrepreneurs: The AstroBiz Digest.

If you’re curious about writing, publishing, and marketing, sign up for The Metaphysical Author’s Confidential – my weekly publication for witchy writers: The Metaphysical Author’s Confidential. Essays and lessons on writing, publishing, and marketing your magical book.

Venturing into the realm of metaphysical literature? Don’t let apprehension or uncertainty thwart you. I’m here to steer. Delve into my specially designed mentoring services for authors in the mystical genre.

Hey astrology lovers and curious types! Check out this new kit from Carrie Paris and yours truly: My Living Astrology Chart. This experiential astrological kit also doubles as a charm casting board—perfect for detailed divination!


Classes and Events

Join my Patreon Community! I offer extended card-of-the-day interpretations, astrological tidbits, community tarot practice, political astrology, early sneak peeks at horoscopes….and more. Higher tiers get access to live classes, replays of previous classes, mentoring, and more.

Want to learn the tarot basics? Check out my upcoming Tarot For Beginners course! Coming October 2nd!

Join me and a bevy of witchy folks for The Gathering of the Witches in October, an online event full of magick and more!


What I’m Grateful For:

Quiet nights at home with my beloved


New book contracts

Catching up with friends

Future President Harris


Soundtrack for 8/3/24

A Matter of Trust by Billy Joel

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2024

images from stock photography and personal collection 

*Some of the links are affiliate links. I receive a small fee if you purchase, but this does not affect the price of the item.*


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