
Last week, we had a big time Lunar eclipse in the sign of Aries.  This particular eclipse can have an impact on people’s tempers and it can also affect leadership as well as relationships.  Often, it will bring something to a head in any of those areas.  

Since I’m a big fan of astrology (and kind of paranoid about eclipses), I took a peek at my chart to see where this sucker was going to land.  The moon would be moving through my sixth house of health and work –  and then the eclipse was hitting right  on the cusp of my seventh house of relationships!  Yikes!  

What could that mean? Would I blow up at my husband?  Would I get sick or piss off a client?  Am I going to wreck a friendship?  I speculated mighty hard at what it could mean.  And worried, worried, worried. (For the record, I rarely, if ever worry – and usually when I do, I have a darn good reason to worry.)

And what did happen: the day of the eclipse, I had a mild fever all day (Aries is a fire sign and it rules the head).  It wasn’t intense enough to cancel work so I went ahead with a full day of appointments.  My work that day was spot on the money.  I was on fire all day (literally and figuratively).  I felt like I was “out of body” and someone else was delivering those readings.  If you’ve ever had that experience, it’s actually kinda cool (and yes, I do get that on occasion – I am in an “altered state” when I read and this is one of the byproducts of how that can manifest.  I’ll write more about that in a future post.)

Later that night, I enjoyed a lovely dinner with my daughter at a restaurant called Braise (it’s focused on locally grown stuff and much of the furniture is recycled).  There were no arguments, no drama.  Just a peaceful meal with good conversation. Then I went home and slept for ten hours.  In other words – big whoop.  Nothing “bad” happened although I sure did obsess. 

Looking back, I had to admit to myself that I did what a lot of people do when they hear about certain astrology transits: start to over think it and worry about what “might happen”. 

I should know better but I still do the same thing.  My takeaway: yes, I did get affected by this eclipse but in my brain, I made it into something far bigger.  From this point forward, no more over analyzing, even if that transit is making a big boom in my chart.  

And that, my dear readers, is wise advice to you whether you seek astrology or tarot or any of the mystical arts for guidance:  listen, sit with the information but don’t obsess.  Use the wisdom to help you be more awake, more conscious –  but don’t worry so much.  Simply live your life and be the best you that you can be, no matter what the stars above are doing. 


Picked up that little cat pin beauty at local vintage shop, Tip Top Atomic Shop. If you are in the Bay View area, it’s a must stop! 

Other stuff:

My newest obsession is the show Million Dollar Shoppers, a reality show about personal shoppers who deal with these outrageous and over the top wealthy clients who just can’t be pleased!  The show is obviously fake as hell but OMG I think I have OGD – Obsessive Gregg Disorder!  I’m super fascinated with him.  I think he’s adorable and hilarious!  Oh to get a makeover by him!  That may have to go on my bucket list.  

Just in time for Halloween, Sarah Von Bargen of Yes and Yes drops this fun post on Halloween Candy Astrology.  I’m a Gemini and she says this about us: “Sweet Tarts are great for these Zodiac twins. Because they’re sweet! and tart! and sweet! and then tart again! She also loves to suck all the dye off so she can flash her creepy blue zombie tongue at all the boys.”  Read yours HERE.

Back in the 20’s a bimbo had a completely different meaning than it does now.  Check out this old timey slang from the 20’s and you’ll be on the trolley in no time: 59 Quick Slang Phrases From The 1920’s That We Should Start Using Again

Want to learn more about eclipses?  Check out Eclipses and You: How to Align with Life’s Hidden Tides by Judith Hill.  It’s well written and breaks down the astro babble so you can actually makes heads ‘n tails out of it. 

Ready to boss up but not sure how?  Check out my handy Astro-Guide To Living Large and get your mack on!

This story about a lost boy who used Google Earth to find his way home after being gone for 25 years will warm your heart and make you believe that technology can be really used for good.

I love this: Compare 1836 and Modern Day New York with this interactive map

Tis the time of the year for spooky stories!  Get yer fill at American Folklore

The Daily Show is brilliant and often better than the “real news” at reporting stuff that matters – or enrages.  Check out this jaw dropping interview with the unapologetic bigoted GOP Precinct Captain in North Carolina. (Apparently, he resigned after this interview caused a kerfluffle.)

What I’m Grateful For:

 A cool head

Great local restaurants

The freshly baked cookie I’m noshing on right now

Crisp air

Help from my friends


Autumn veggies


Soundtrack for 10/26/13  “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley  – one of my favorite songs about not worrying.  Plus Bob Marley was all hot ‘n stuff. (I have a thing for men in dreads.)


 Here’s to a fantastic, worry free week ahead!


 © Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2013


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