The Hit List - 11 tips for keeping cool when it’s burning hot

In case you didn’t know, we’ve hit a record for the hottest day ever. Yep, the earth is scorched with the highest temperatures since we began keeping track. Even if you love summer, this isn’t a good development. People, plants, and animals are at risk. Plus, the sweltering temps can cause wild fires.

Speaking of which, the Canadian wild fires have been wreaking havoc on the air quality around these parts. Sigh.

If you know me, you know I’m not a fan of summer. So this weather has been putting me in my “summertime sadness” mode. It’s also gotten me anxious AF about climate change, not to mention the health of some family members. But I’m not in control of meteorological things, so I have to cope.

Let me share my tips on what I’m doing to stay cool (and cool-headed).

1. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. I use sunscreen every day of the year, rain or shine. I’m especially mindful now to apply it everywhere the sun hits (if you’ve ever burned the tops of your ears, you know what kind of special hell that is).
2. Stay indoors as much as possible. When outdoors, wear a mask if you’re dealing with unhealthy air quality.
3. Run the air conditioner and don’t forget to change the filter regularly. Believe it or not, I don’t use the air conditioner in my office too much. But I do in the kitchen. Those filters get gross. I pay attention to the warning light and keep it clean.
4. Hydrate. I drink a ton of tea and water. If I’m out and about, I’ll always have a water bottle handy.
5. I consider my carbon footprint. I rarely drive these days. I’ll run errands about twice a week, maximum.
6. Compost, recycle, and never litter. If I’m sharing space on this planet with other beings and care about the climate, it’s important to do what I can.
7. Use less. I rarely buy clothes or shoes – and I’ll use something until I wear it out. Buying “fast fashion” harms the environment.  For the record: I still have 30-year old t-shirts and my car is a 2003 Matrix (they don’t even make ‘em any more!).
8. Travel less. I cut down on travel when the pandemic hit. Truthfully, I don’t miss it that much. It’s another way to keep my carbon footprint low.
9. Eat light. I’m a fan of greasy, heavy, calorie laden food. But in summer? Not so much. This time of year I’ll dial that back in favor of salads or things that don’t require me standing in front of a hot oven. Also, foods such as salad help with hydration.
10. Slow down. Conserve your energy as much as possible. You won’t catch me walking at a breakneck speed or rushing through my activities. NOPE.
11. Check in on neighbors, especially elders. Make sure they have a working air conditioner and everything they need if they are unable to leave the house.

I’d also like to add: please remember critters suffer in this heat too. Do not leave your pups outside for long and make sure water is available at all times. A bird bath or small dishes of water outside can help the birds and strays who may venture into your yard.

Alright, those are my tips. What about you? How do you stay cool?


Other stuff:

For the nature lovers: 5 National Park Destinations That Aren’t Parks.

I’m going to try some of these recipes: Take coffee and tea to the next level with frosty summer treats.

Yup: Without Affirmative Action, We All Lose.

20 of the Best Autobiographies That Inspired Influential Women to Dream Big.

Threads launched a few days ago. Find me! My handle is @thetarotlady (of course).

Listen up: Five Decades of Women in Hip-Hop: A Feminist Anthem Playlist.

For the lovers: A Tarot Reading For Navigating Your Love Life This Summer.

My favorite read of the week: How to be blind.

Wow: 700 Calls, 260 Appointments, 30 Days. As North Carolina’s abortion ban took effect, one abortion fund rushed to help as many patients as possible.

Liberals have lost the Supreme Court for a generation. Their only hope is to seize state courts and launch a counterrevolution.

Did you watch the doc yet? Andrew Ridgeley on George Michael and Life After Wham!

Must read: The Karen Who Cried Kidnapping.

Harm Reduction: Young People in Appalachia and the South Are Addressing the Overdose Crisis.

Stay mad: The importance of staying angry at the Supreme Court.

Learn how to make flower essences and plant medicine with Totem Rach in this upcoming class: Ancient Alchemy, Modern “Medicine.”

Super cool: Remarkable Diaries: The World’s Greatest Diaries, Journals, Notebooks, & Letters.

This is my favorite blush: MILK in Werk.

Just picked this up: Grammatically Correct: The Essential Guide to Spelling, Style, Usage, Grammar, and Punctuation.

NEED: If Only I’d Known: How to Outsmart Narcissists, Set Guilt-Free Boundaries, and Create Unshakeable Self-Worth.

This looks interesting: The Tree of Life Oracle.

A bio of one of the greats: Scott Cunningham ―The Path Taken: Honoring the Life and Legacy of a Wiccan Trailblazer by Christine Cunningham Ashworth.

Coming soon: Spirit Talker: Indigenous Stories and Teachings from a Mikmaq Psychic Medium.

SUPER interesting: The Art of Ectoplasm: Encounters with Winnipeg’s Ghost Photographs.

Another great book dropping in October: The Book of Ancestors: A Guide to Magic, Rituals, and Your Family History.

Tarot and journaling fans get ready: The Weiser Tarot Journal: Guidance and Practice. It has stickers!!!

You can pre-order my upcoming book now: The Cards You’re Dealt: How to Deal when Life Gets Real (A Tarot Guidebook).

No matter how messed up your astrology chart (or life) may seem, you can clean up your act. Learn how with: Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot.

If your kids are spending way too much time on the screen this summer, get them this: Tarot For Kids.

Intuitive tarot readers understand the structure of the cards and know when to break the rules. Learn more: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading.

Prefer to listen to your tarot lessons? Check this out: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading is available as an audiobook.

Think you can’t “get” astrology? Think again: Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious).

There is an audio version if you prefer: Astrology For Real Life.

Everyone needs a beautiful tarot deck. May I recommend: The Uncommon Tarot: A Contemporary Reimagining of an Ancient Oracle?

One of the easiest ways to grasp the meanings of the tarot cards is by coloring them in. Suddenly, all the symbols come to life! Check it out: The Tarot Coloring Book.

The world burns and churns, yet we must go on. Tarot can help: Tarot For Troubled Times.

Need something fun to occupy your mind? Create your own tarot deck: Create Your Own Tarot Cards: A step-by-step guide to designing a unique and personalized tarot deck. <-Cards are included!

The secret to my success: hard work and astrology. Make your biz work for you with: The AstroBiz Digest.

**NEW** You carry your phone with you every where you go, right? Now you can get real-time astrological transits and daily tarot right in your text messages: Sign up here.

If you want to write a mystical book but don’t know where to start or what it entails, I’ve got this for you: The Metaphysical Author’s Confidential. Essays and lessons on writing, publishing, and marketing your magical book.


Classes and Events

Join my Patreon Community!  I am serving up extended card-of-the-day interpretations, astrological tidbits, community tarot practice, political astrology, early sneak peeks at horoscopes….and more. Higher tiers get access to live classes, replays of previous classes, mentoring, and more.

October 7, 2023: Tarot for Mediumship. Join me at the Boston Tea Room in Ferndale, Michigan, and learn how to use Tarot to receive messages from the dearly departed. Details coming soon.

October 8, 2023: Ethics and Responsibilities for Professional Tarot Readers and Astrologers. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to deliver ethical, responsible readings. Where: Boston Tea Room in Ferndale, Michigan. Details coming soon.

October 13, 2023: Book signing at Free Spirit Crystals in Butler, Wisconsin. 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Come on down, say hi, get a copy of The Cards You’re Dealt signed, and check out the cool crystals in stock.

October 21st, 2023: Book signing at Aum Shanti in New York, NY. 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM. Meet me in the Big Apple and get your book signed. Yay!


What I’m Grateful For:

Air conditioners!

Kitty snuggles


Meeting new folks

Catching up with old pals


Soundtrack for 7/8/23

Bad Love by Dead

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2023

images from stock photography and personal collection 

*Some of the links are affiliate links. I receive a small fee if you purchase, but this does not affect the price of the item.*


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