Ever since I saw that silly “The Fox” video (below), all I seem to see are….you guessed it….foxes.
I am a big believer in omens (mom was superstitious and always talked about them) so when something keeps getting in my grill, I pay attention.
In the last two weeks alone, I’ve seen foxes in many places:
Fox accessories at the new Paper Source (my hipster daughter informed me that “foxes are in” or some such thing).
An adorable fox and dog romping around: Real-Life Fox And The Hound Best Friends Will Melt Your Heart.
A picture of a fox first thing in my Twitter feed this morning.
And the most dramatic of all: last week, I was sitting on the couch next to my husband. He was looking at his computer screen and I was busy messing around with my new Wild Unknown Tarot. I was shuffling the cards and asking about a particular situation and then I pulled the 7 of Swords, which has….yup, a fox on it. I turned around to show my husband and almost screamed when I saw his computer screen. It had a picture of a man with a fox on it! Here’s a photo of the card on the right next to the computer screen taken moments after:
There’s more but you get the gist. It has been CONSTANT.
It appears as if this fox energy is stalking me. What does it mean? Does the Universe think I’m foxy? (Uh, doubt that.) Or maybe I’m crazy like a fox? Or perhaps I need to start channeling Redd Foxx (You big dummy!)?
I decided to look up what it might mean and found this information over at Spirit Animals and Animal Totems from Elena Harris (excellent site, by the way):
Fox Symbolism
The symbolic meanings associated with the fox are:
Physical or mental responsiveness, increased awareness
Cunning; seeing through deception; call to be discerning
Ability to find your way around, to be swift in tricky situations
Affinity with nocturnal activities and dream work
I’m going to heed this fox wisdom and bring more awareness to my surroundings. This seems to be telling me: danger may be lurking….be careful around tricky, cunning people (ironically, my reading above was about someone that I felt is somewhat like that). Time for me to lay low and stay out of harm’s way. At least that is what I am taking from this sudden influx of foxy foxes lurking in my world.
So tell me – what omens or things seem to be following you around these days?
Other stuff:
Sexy photos may be a matter of just posing properly. Check out this (NSFW) series: Illusions of the Body.
You may want to think twice about those wedding announcements: Unfortunate Name Combinations.
I love Cassie Rodenberg’s work. Check out this post: One Year Later – I Invited Homeless Addicts To Thanksgiving.
Digging reading about 50’s supermodel Barbara Mullen.
Daryl Davis is my hero. THIS is the way to deal with ignorance.
I enjoy digital books but I will always prefer hardcopy. Just picked up the paperback version of Be Awesome at Online Business by Paul Jarvis. It’s gorgeous and full of pertinent info for internet biz. Git it git it!
James Franco cracks me up. And he’s kinda hot. See for yourself.
This time of year I always go nuts over the Ghirardelli Chocolate Squares, Peppermint Bark with Dark Chocolate, 7.06-Ounce Packages (Pack of 4). I’m going to be doing some serious exercise after I get through this holiday. YIKES.
What I’m Grateful For:
White peony tea on a cold morning
Long, deep sleep
Being able to say yes without hesitation
Being able to say no without feeling guilty
The kind client who wanted to pay it forward for a less fortunate client. Cathy, you are amazing and inspiring. Wow.
Soundtrack for 12/7/13: Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe from Kendrick Lamar – only because this has been stuck in my head for days. Stalking me – like a fox!
Here’s to a foxy week, playas!
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2013
images from stock photography and my personal collection
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