The Hit List - The free tarot reading request

Every so often, a free tarot reading request lands in my inbox. Sometimes the person is direct (“please give me a free tarot reading”). Other times, it’s sneaky (“can you interpret this ten card reading I just did for myself”). 99% of the time, it’s a reading about a troubled romantic relationship.

I never honor these requests. I simply do not have the time. Plus, I don’t want to encourage this trend. My assistant usually deletes them because answering leads to another email either demanding an explanation, begging, a sob story, or a nasty note (you would not believe how cruel some people get when you say no).

If these folks bothered to read my site, they’d notice that I stopped reading for the public four years ago. They’d also see there are no mentions of free tarot reading services. But when you lead with your need, the details don’t matter I guess.

I do understand why folks would attempt to get a free service. Like any business, these requests are par for the course. Folks love a deal! I am not going to fault them for that. However, most businesses will make announcements for special deals, so it doesn’t take much effort to find the freebies and sales. The world wide web is filled with all sorts of goodies like that. 

But for those who do not have the time, inclination, or wherewithal to search for free or discounted tarot reading services, I have a few suggestions that might help.

1. There are many Facebook groups that offer free tarot readings. Most of these are folks who are learning – and they appreciate the practice.

2. You can find local meet-ups of tarot enthusiasts in your area. Some of them encourage people to join in for practice.

3. Many readers are on social media offering free readings (I do readings for all the zodiac signs on Instagram Mondays and Fridays). Look around and you might catch someone doing live on-the-spot readings.

4. Organizations like TABI and ATA offer free readings on their sites. They have skilled members ready to throw cards.

As you can see, there are plenty of free options! I hope this list steers you in the right direction the next time you need tarot guidance and don’t have the bread to pay a professional. 




Other stuff:

Y’all…my book, The Cards You’re Dealt – How to Deal When Life Gets Real has been shortlisted for a TABI Carta award in the category for Best Book Independent of a Deck!!! Please vote! (Voting ends June 30th.)

Ew: The Influencer Is a Young Teenage Girl. The Audience Is 92% Adult Men.

Wow: The Spectacular Transformation of a Showman’s Mansion.

On my watch list: ‘Flipside’ documentary is a poetic meditation on life’s vicissitudes.

Also adding this to my watch list: No One Asked You.

I don’t trust SCOTUS on this case: Supreme Court Homelessness Case: What’s at Stake in Grants Pass v. Gloria Johnson.

I want to go to Oakland: An Online Feminist Bookstore Sets Up Shop in Oakland.

From Lisa Stardust: The Strawberry Full Moon In Capricorn Will Make It Hard To Control Your Feelings.

More from Lisa: How Magic Helped Me Embrace My Queerness.

Cool: How to observe a ‘moon illusion’ when the strawberry full moon peaks tonight.

So sick of this sort of thing happening: Racist Graffiti on Angela Alsobrooks’ Campaign Sign Is a Reminder of the Threats Black Women in Politics Face.

Wait..what the eff: Stock-obsessed Gen Z are using astrology and tarot to invest—and swearing by the results to the tune of over $400,000.

‘If you want to call me a witch … that’s fine’: Suranne Jones on magic, misogyny and murder.

From The Cut: Lost in the Woo-to-Q Pipeline. Astrologer Danielle Johnson isn’t the first woman to find conspiracy theories on the way to wellness.

It’s The Last Post Before The Second Overturniversary Of Roe V Wade. Stabby.Stabby.Stabby.

People sure love to engineer downfalls: Why is Taylor Swift being branded as anti-feminist?

Aliza Kelly delivers the goods: Jupiter in Astrology Can Bring You Some Serious Luck.

My fundraiser for World Central Kitchen is almost at the goal. Please donate! The fundraiser ends on June 30th.

Coming soon: The Midlife Edit: A Transformative Self-Help Journey for Women.

Need to get this for everyone: Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps.

This too: Democracy in Retrograde: How to Make Changes Big and Small in Our Country and in Our Lives.

Interesting: Incantations and Enchantments: The Power of the Voice and the Breath in Magic.

I’m intrigued with this: Past-Life Energy Oracle.

Oooh: Becoming Baba Yaga: Trickster, Feminist, and Witch of the Woods.

Putting this on my list: Ecstatic Witchcraft: Magic, Philosophy, & Trance in the Shamanic Craft.

This book is great: Chronically Magickal: Navigating Chronic Illness with Witchcraft.

Amy Blackthorn has a new book coming soon: Blackthorn’s Book of Sacred Plant Magic: Spells, Rites, and Rituals for Living an Aromatic Life.

Defo want to check this out: Mercury Magic: How to Thrive During Retrogrades and Tap Into the Power of the Messenger Planet All Year Long.

WANT: Owl Magick: Explore Our Fascinating Connections with These Birds Through Folklore and Magickal Traditions.

Want to develop your tarot reading skills? You need a good journal: The Weiser Tarot Journal: Guidance and Practice.

Learn how to deliver compassionate tarot readings for tough, tender situations: The Cards You’re Dealt: How to Deal when Life Gets Real (A Tarot Guidebook).

Manifest your best life with tarot and astrology (my secret weapons): Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot.

Get your kids off-screen and out of your hair this summer: Tarot For Kids.

Develop your intuition with tarot: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading.

Prefer to listen to your tarot lessons? Check this out: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading is available as an audiobook.

The perfect book for astrology newbies DOES exist: Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious).

There is an audio version if you prefer: Astrology For Real Life.

Looking for a new tarot deck? Here’s a beauty: The Uncommon Tarot: A Contemporary Reimagining of an Ancient Oracle.

Beat the summer heat with a cold glass of lemonade and a day spent coloring tarot cards: The Tarot Coloring Book.

Tarot, ritual, and meditation – the perfect tools when you feel hopeless about the state of the world: Tarot For Troubled Times.

Don’t like the tarot decks on the market? Make yer own: Create Your Own Tarot Cards: A step-by-step guide to designing a unique and personalized tarot deck! Cards included!

My business is powered by hard work, good instincts and astrology: The AstroBiz Digest.

Learn how to write better, get published, and market your magical book with my newest thang: The Metaphysical Author’s Confidential – a newsletter for mystical writers: The Metaphysical Author’s Confidential. Essays and lessons on writing, publishing, and marketing your magical book.

Hey astrology lovers and curious types! Check out this new kit from Carrie Paris and yours truly: My Living Astrology Chart. This experiential astrological kit also doubles as a charm casting board—perfect for detailed divination!


Classes and Events

Join my Patreon Community! I offer extended card-of-the-day interpretations, astrological tidbits, community tarot practice, political astrology, early sneak peeks at horoscopes….and more. Higher tiers get access to live classes, replays of previous classes, mentoring, and more.

Want to learn the tarot basics? Check out my upcoming Tarot For Beginners course! Coming October 2nd!


What I’m Grateful For:

The temperature drop

Good sake

Regular walks

Massage in the middle of the week

New recipes


Soundtrack for 6/21/24

Paladin Strait by Twenty One Pilots

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2024

images from stock photography and personal collection 

*Some of the links are affiliate links. I receive a small fee if you purchase, but this does not affect the price of the item.*


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