I do not dig cruelty, in any form.
Even when it is “justified”, I am not comfortable in the presence of any sort of hard core hating.
When I see someone causing another pain, it rattles me. I’m hyper sensitive like that. I don’t give a fig if everyone else thinks it’s funny. I won’t go along with it.
I refuse to drink the Cruel-Aid.
I keep sadistic people out of my world, both online and in person. I don’t care if they are witty or powerful – once they go down the nasty route, they are (politely) shown the door and shut out.
I believe that when we allow that energy to linger in our presence, we start to become desensitized to it. Suddenly, the offensive remark, the cruel taunts, the public attack in the name of “calling out”….it all becomes acceptable. We start to tolerate that callous behavior, or turn a blind eye. Or, worse yet, we become active participants.
It’s easy to get sucked into it and harder to stop the momentum once you’ve allowed it to fester. Cruelty can be contagious. If it is not kept in check, it can destroy whole communities. All is takes is one person to start that bully ball rolling.
To step away and refuse to take part in unkind behavior requires courage.
Because it’s never easy to go against the grain, especially when everyone else seems to delight in inflicting pain. Mob mentality is powerful stuff, yo.
Choosing peace and kindness makes people assume you’re a pushover.
You can be decent without being a doormat. It all comes down to good boundaries and a willingness to walk your own tender path, even if that makes you unpopular.
When more of us refuse to reward mean people with our attention, we change that vibration. We are saying “this is not acceptable”.
I’d like to start a kindness revolution. It can start simply:
- Turn off the mean spirited television talk shows (no one benefits from hearing some rude big mouth calling people foul names in the spirit of “entertainment” or “telling it like it is”).
- Do not engage in nasty online wars. Don’t even read them. Yes, I know, sometimes it is like watching a car wreck and hard to turn away…blah blah blah. So what? Tune that out. You can find far better diversions than trolls.
- Allow others to save face (if you have a beef with someone, keep it private). Dignity should be the new black.
- Set a good example for your children by using non-violent communication.
- Check yourself if you find that you are getting delight from someone else’s downfall.
- Practice courtesy, even with those with whom you disagree.
- Think before you speak, write, hit that send button, or act. Are your words or actions considerate or might they cause harm? Pause.
- Got something controversial to say? You can be provocative without being an asshat. Strong messages don’t require rudeness or belittling.
- Celebrate kind acts, no matter how small. In fact, share those experiences widely and loudly. Cheer on the good guys wherever and whenever you can.
I love to imagine a world where mean behavior is no longer “funny” or the “norm”. In fact, that’s the kind of world I want to live in (and am busy creating). How about you?
Mother Nature can be a cruel diva. We’re bracing for a bitter cold front and lots o’ snow here in Milwaukee.
Other stuff:
I was going to see “The Wolf Of Wall Street” but then this post from the daughter of one of the men portrayed in the movie made me pause.
I pick a “word of the year” as an intention for what I’d like to manifest ing my year. Here’s a great idea: get a necklace made with your word. Rock star and all around cool jewelry artist, Bamtastic, will handcraft one just for you. Get it HERE. (PS he’s fast!)
Christiana Gaudet lays down some tarot truth. Word, sistah.
Sarah Von Bargen gives you the lowdown on 4 Reasons to Use iPhone Photography On Your Website. (PS I use mine all the time for this purpose!)
Here’s a post on a “notecard system” for remembering, organizing and using everything you read. It may be too overwhelming for yours truly but I am intrigued.
I love to wear thick black eyeliner but crying ruins it. Since I cut a lot of onions around here, I end up with the Alice Cooper look a lot. No more – I just ordered these RSVP International Onion Goggles, Black. Now I’ll be chopping like a maniac and still looking fresh and fly!
This post by Alexandra Franzen is bookmarked for life: The 7 Emails that nobody wants to receive- and how to answer each one, with love.
Someone stole her iPhone and this woman recreated the selflies that the thief posted. Very funny!
They’ve been predicting the end of the world for like, forever. We’re still here, suckas!
15 Fresh Starts for the New Year. Your 2014 is going to rock if you take this advice to heart!
I signed up for Gala Darling’s Radical Self Love Letters. You should too. For only seven tiny bucks a month, you get a beautiful email chock full o’ self love ‘n stuff. Because self love can be bought! Ha!
Jennifer Louden just launched a juicy class: The Life Organizer Navigation Course. It’s starting Jan 22, so get your foot in the door before it closes! Jen’s classes are ALWAYS amazing.
You may want to check out Hiro Boga’s class, Rule Your World From the Inside Out. This one begins on Jan 14th and it will change your life. Guaranteed. Hiro is one of my favorite teachers.
What I’m Grateful For:
My top secret inner circle
Good customer service
The client who dropped off the cheesecake
A full calendar for January
Wrestling cats
Cold weather
Soundtrack for 1/4/14: Safe And Sound by Capital City – this little ditty makes me smile from ear to ear
Here’s to a safe, sound and KIND world,
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014
images from taoxproductions and my personal collection
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