Tarot Spread Test Drive - Tarot Spreads

Welcome to Tarot Spread Test Drive!


Curious about all the different tarot spreads out there? Wondering if they’re a keeper – or a lemon? Me too! So, let’s take them for a test drive and find out!

Below are some of my favorite tarot spreads I’ve found either from a beloved book or around the web. I try them out, look under the hood, kick the tires, and show you exactly how it works…or doesn’t. No haggling necessary. Ready to roll? Let’s go!

Tarot Element’s GROW Model Tarot Spread

Emily Peach’s Will I…? Spread

Little Red Tarot’s You, The Tarot Reader Spread

New Age Hipster’s Stranger Things Tarot + Oracle Spread

Tarot Seed’s 2-Card Bad Mood Spread

Barbara Moore’s Facing a Challenge Spread

Sasha Fenton’s Consequences Spread

Paul Quinn’s Life Journey Spread

Inner Goddess Tarot’s What you need to KNOW, GROW, and LET GO Spread

Jessi Huntenburg’s Avoid Burnout Spread

Tarot Pugs’ Dark Moon Tarot Spread

Daily Tarot Girl’s Embracing Change Tarot Spread

Sasha Graham’s Opening A Gift Tarot Spread

Tarot Avenue’s New Year Tarot Reading Spread

Benebell Wen’s Mother Wound Tarot Spread

Stay Woke Tarot’s Spread To Get Back on Track

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