Tarot Coloring Book Bonus

Today, I’m unveiling the official page for The Tarot Coloring Book.  It even has its own url: thetarotcoloringbook.com

It’s hard to believe that in a few short weeks, this book is dropping for real.  Even though I have an advance copy in my sweaty little hands, believe me when I tell you this: it still seems like a dream.  I pinch myself often.

Some days, I crack the book open just to feel my heart flutter.

My greatest hope is that you will feel that way too. Or at least inspired enough to finally dust off that tarot deck and begin to explore it with curiosity and courage. As you work through the book, you may start to see: it’s not that hard!

Over the years, I’ve helped many people get comfortable with learning how to read tarot cards. This book is my invitation to begin….even if you’ve never held a deck in your hands.  Or, even if you tried, felt discouraged and thought you’ll never “get it” (you will).

I want to make this extra-special, so I’m offering a very cool bonus if you pre-order your book before it hits the stands on November 1st.

Here’s the deal:

On November 1, 2016, you’ll receive a sweet “bonus book” called:

7 exercises to wake up your intuition and get you reading like a pro!

This bonus book is an awesome treat for any Tarot lover, especially if…

: You’re fairly new to Tarot.

: You feel intimidated by your Tarot deck.

: Or, you’ve been doing Tarot for awhile, but you want to get “off book” and stop referring to the “manual” that came with your deck for interpretations—and just trust your intuition instead.

Wanna get that bonus?  Easy: head to the official page, scroll down to bonus and follow the instructions.

On November 1st, you’ll get your goodies, delivered right to your inbox.  Pinky swear!

Color on, my friends.


Fall time means jean jackets and cool pins!

Other stuff:

How’d you like to win signed copy of The Tarot Coloring Book? Or a signed copy of Tarot for One by my buddy, Courtney Weber? How about a 15 minute reading from her…or me….or both? How about ALL OF THE ABOVE?! If you want that Tarot swag, get to Courtney’s page and follow the instructions: http://thecocowitch.com/tarot-giveaway/

David Bowie, celebrated by his friends.

I got a cool Prosperity Kit from Intuitive Alchemy.  I highly recommend this!

Have you ever been thrown a whole lotta shade by a client? Dissed on the internet? Gotten a bad review? Don’t let that get you down. Get Alexandra Franzen’s free e-book, You’re Going to Survive.  It’s pure gold for anyone who has ever been rejected, humiliated, or dissed on the internet. I can’t believe this is totally free!

TarotSeed has this cool 2-Card Bad Mood Spread.  I’m going to test drive it later this month. First…I have to get in a bad mood!  Ha!

Blondie songified the presidential debate.  OMG how I love this!

Outdoor Research published the perfect response to GQ’s sexist climbing article.

IMDb is having legal trouble over listing actor’s ages.

Sara E. Lynch writes about biz coaching that didn’t work.

Siobhan Rene is a thoughtful, intelligent tarot writer. I’m a fan. You’ll be too when you read her latest over at Little Red Tarot: Face Up Justice – when darkness arrives.

My favorite post of the week comes from Hilary Parry: If Tarot Scares You, Don’t Get a Reading. Amen, sister!

The return of the milkman!  Even though I always hated milk, I did enjoy when the milkman came. It meant I could sucker mom into getting some ice cream!

Chris Arnade came to Milwaukee and wrote about it: Living in hell? Milwaukee’s black residents defy Trump’s stereotypes.

This is a GREAT post from Andrew Sullivan about internet addiction + technology: I used to be a human being.  MUST READ.

This week, Sasha Graham interviewed me on 5 reasons why coloring your tarot cards might make you a better reader.

I also chatted with the always awesome Little Fox Tarot.  I loved her questions so much!

8 hair and makeup artists you should be watching on YouTube.

A brief history of the bachelorette party.

According to Oprah, you’re cooking eggs all wrong.

What does he feel about me?  Mary K. Greer has a spread for that.

Modern Witchy Woman is partnering up with SG Sommers for this Tarot Spell on Healing Strained Relationships.  Check it out!

I’m a huge fan of journaling.  If you are too, do grab a copy of Mari McCarthy’s Journaling Power: How to Create the Happy, Healthy Life You Want to Live.

This looks amazing + inspirational: In the Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs by Grace Bonney.

I can never get enough cookbooks! This one looks divine: Small Victories: Recipes, Advice + Hundreds of Ideas for Home Cooking Triumphs.

The Tarot Coloring Book is coming – November 1st.  31 days to go!

If you’re in Minneapolis, be sure to sign up for this Tarot For Total Beginner’s Workshop with me!

I’ll be teaching two workshops at the Boston Tea Room in November: Tarot For Total Beginners and Going Pro. If you’re in the Detroit area, come on down!

It’s that time of year when I begin to plan in earnest. I’m a fan of Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map Planner.  You’ll be too.  Get it! (Psst I mapped out the astro-dates.)


What I’m Grateful For:

What I’m Grateful For:

Sounds True

Alexandra Franzen

Megan Lang

Alison Monday of Tiny Blue Orange

My dear friends and family

Yoga (I need it these days…a lot)

Scented candles

Soundtrack for 10/1/16:

Banana Brain by Die Antwoord – these guys are always so addictive.


© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2016

images from stock photography and personal collection

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