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Which tarot cards indicate mental burnout?

When it comes to “mental burnout”, the Swords suit would be the main culprit I’d be looking for. Swords represent thoughts or thinking – so negative cards in that suit might indicate mental burnout.

ten of swords mental burnout

Ten of Swords – the energy of this card is depleted, finished, overwhelmed. “I’m done.”

nine of swords mental burnout

Nine of Swords – anxiety and mental pressure. Fatigue. Exhaustion. Hospitalization.

two of swords mental burnout

Two of Swords – although the figure looks at peace, this card can be interpreted as a “need to shut down mentally”.

four of swords mental burnout

Four of Swords – this card is rest and contemplation – it can indicate needing to take a break from events to recharge. Needing rest and recuperation.  Hospitalization.  A mental vacation.

eight of swords mental burnout

Eight of Swords – mentally stuck and overwhelmed. Like the Two of Swords, it’s a need to shut down mentally. (Note: both are blindfolded – a sign of tuning out and turning inward.  “I need to pull back.”)

Some cards can indicate overwork – if you combine them with one of the cards above, that could suggest burnout. For example, the Ten of Wands or Seven of Pentacles combined with the Nine of Swords could represent mental fatigue due to long hours.

Another thing to look for would be the presence of the Star reversed or Temperance reversed. Right side up, they indicate balance and harmony. Reversed, the energy becomes unbalanced and unhealthy.

What tarot cards represent fear to you?  Share your thoughts with me on Twitter: @thetarotlady

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2015

all images from the 1909 edition of the Rider Waite Smith deck

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The Tarot Lady
ten of swords mental burnout
nine of swords mental burnout
two of swords mental burnout
four of swords mental burnout
eight of swords mental burnout
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