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Which tarot cards indicate fertility?

empress tarot card fertility

The Empress – this is the classic card for motherhood, creativity, and abundance. Mother Earth. It’s always a good sign for any question about fertility or pregnancy.

sun tarot card fertility

The Sun – this happy baby is a good indicator that birth may be on the horizon! Abundance, joy, and fruitfulness.

three of cups tarot fertility

Three of Cups – this joyful card can suggest a celebration as well as fruitfulness.

Queen of pentacles tarot fertility

Queen of Pentacles – the rabbit in this card can also be interpreted as a sign of fertility.

The Aces have it: Ace of Wands, Ace of Cups or Ace of Pentacles are great cards for fertility and pregnancy. In a question about pregnancy, the Ace of Swords can be interpreted as a c-section.

Note: if none of these cards show up, look for other symbols of happiness, celebration, creativity, or abundance. For example, the Four of Wands, Ten of Cups, or the Nine of Cups.

What tarot cards represent fertility to you?  Share your thoughts with me on Twitter: @thetarotlady



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014

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The Tarot Lady
empress tarot card fertility
sun tarot card fertility
three of cups tarot fertility
Queen of pentacles tarot fertility
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