Learn the Tarot card meanings with Tarot Card by Card. Fresh, modern tarot interpretations. A sucka-free approach with affirmations, journaling prompts, theme songs, and reversals. Explore the Tarot card meanings in a hip, irreverent, fun way!
The Fool
Keywords: new beginning, fresh start, risk, a chance, new cycle, originality, fearlessness, travel, innocence, being green, trickster, acting foolish
Attributes: Uranus, Air
General meaning: It’s about to get all new beginnings and fresh start around here. Are you ready to change your path? Tired of hanging on to all that old crap? Put your baggage behind you and take that leap like a true balla. Situations call for optimism, faith, and fearlessness. Original thinking. Beware of the biters at your heels but do what you gonna do anyway. Jump in, no parachute required. Thinking of a world tour? Do it, dawg.
Reversed: Why you being a fraidy cat? Change is inevitable and it’s time to embrace it. Sure, there is some unknown stuff ahead but why cling to that old familiar crud that you know sucks the life out of you? Time to gather your courage muscles and make that move. The old way isn’t hip anymore. In fact, it’s not doing a thing for you. That being said, nothing wrong with scoping out the scenario before you dive in. Looking before you leap could prevent some bullshit later on. Hold back but don’t hold on. Other wise advice: stop acting the fool. Grow up.
Affirmation: “I am ready for the next chapter in my life.”
Theme song: “Learning To Fly” by Tom Petty
Journaling prompt: When have you taken a major risk? Write about your experience.
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2013
See the whole series here.
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