Tarot Bytes: The Podcast
Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady
Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons.
Episode 55: Three of Swords
You don’t need to be tarot proficient to know what this card is all about. With the stormy background and the pierced heart, the Three of Swords screams “heartbreak.” That’s the beauty of tarot – these universal symbols help even total tarot newbies grasp the meaning. Everyone of us has at one time or another experienced what this card feels like. If you’ve ever felt the sting of rejection or loss, you know exactly what it feels like to be in the Three of Sword’s path. It’s not fun but remember: even heartache is part of life.
In this little lesson, we’ll take a quick peek at the symbols in the Three of Swords (there aren’t many) and some possible interpretations.
Grab your favorite deck, put in your earbuds, and dive in!
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© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2017
Check out all previous Tarot Bytes lessons here.
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