Tarot Advice - Guidance in Every Card

Tarot isn’t just for divination – it can also be a wonderful tool for guidance.  In this series, we’ll explore the advice options for every card.

With a Tarot deck by your side, you can make clear decisions, deal with challenges confidently, and find alternate routes when necessary.  The result? The best possible guidance for the future you want. 

Join me every Friday for a new installment – and get ready to add some helpful advice + loving support to your Tarot readings.

Tarot Advice - Guidance in Every Card: Two of Swords

This week: Two of Swords

You’re not ready to make a decision yet. Wait it out. Sit on it.

The Two of Swords symbolizes balance – how are you bringing balance to a situation…or not? Seek the middle way.

Call a truce.

Take a time out. Sometimes a period of solitude will give you the answer you need. Create space for yourself.

Weigh your options with care. There may be pros and cons to both.


Sometimes this card can indicate a need to protect your energy. If you are dealing with a person or situation that is draining, cut it off and set a clear boundary.

If you are dealing with a conflict, the Two of Swords advises to listen to both sides carefully.

Two of Swords reversed:

Stop hesitating – put your plan into action.

If you can’t make a decision, the decision might be made for you.

The balance is lost. Pull back, regroup, and try to get back on track.

You can see clearly what needs to happen. Now you just need to make it happen.

In some situations, the Two of Swords reversed may advise you to “play Switzerland” and take a neutral stance. Don’t get stuck in the middle – and don’t allow things to go to extremes.

Questions to ponder:

When do you feel the most centered? How can you see both sides of a situation without letting your emotions get in the way? When do you need to pull back from the fray?



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2017

Explore the whole series here: Tarot Advice – Guidance in Every Card.

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