soul proprietor

Recently, I saw a flashy ad promising to teach “tricks” to getting clients banging at your door.

Think about that for a minute.

While the ad might have been alluring, I was puzzled by the use of the word tricks.

Why do we need “tricks” to get clients?  Why not this:  do good work and care about your clients?

That simple business truth will do far more for your career than any gimmick that anyone can teach you.  Because the truth is: there are no magic tricks, no silver bullets, and no shortcuts to success, especially the lasting kind.

A trick may give an initial boost but if there is no substance underneath the smoke and mirrors, you won’t see long term results – just a puff of smoke and everyone disappears again, leaving you wondering what game you’ll need to play next.

The idea of a hot business trick that will net you thousands of clients may seem seductive but don’t fall for that illusion.  Clients don’t want to be tricked. They want a service, not a sideshow.

Ignore the gimmicks and false promises.

Instead, be earnest.

Do your best.

Be reliable.

Care deeply.

That formula may not be the “easy route” but it’s the path for a business that feels good.

Stick to that and you’ll be the very best show in town.



Soul Proprietor Monday Memos

Grow your mind, body, soul business... without losing your mind, body or soul.

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