soul proprietor

Perhaps you’ve been in this position:

You see some guru offering a free “strategy session” to look over your business and give you some tips.

So you sign up because your biz isn’t doing much business and perhaps you need fresh eyes on your thing.  (Plus this person claims to be making six figures so they must know some secret sauce, right?)

The day comes and you get on the horn.  It all starts well enough.  They seem interested in your work and have even taken the time to scope out your site.  As soon as the time runs out, it begins: the sales pitch.

When you politely decline, they push.  They are asking for your credit card and offering to defer payments.  They insist in a hushed tone that they are giving you a “huge deal” that they don’t give to anyone else.  Oh, and of course, it’s going to expire soon so you better get on it.  And don’t forget the sticker shock part.  (Their prices are not on their site.)

If you give them reasons for declining, they have a pat answer for every objection you might have. (Say that you have to ask your partner first and they’ll try to get him on the phone.)

By the time you finally get rid of them, you’ve either signed up for something you didn’t want or couldn’t afford – or you’re pissed off.

And if you’re the person on the other end of the line,  you are either feeling relief at getting that mega-expensive “signature program” sold – or of not having to endure any more of that sweaty, icky salesy feeling.  Is some cases, you feel like you wasted your time after doing an hour long freebie and sales dance.

Ever been on the end of that schtick?

It’s a technique that many business gurus and coaches employ and there are all kinds of slick strategies they use to “get that sale.”  While it may indeed be effective, for soul based business owners, this rarely feels good.

Imagine this scenario instead:

A client comes to your world via word of mouth or through some useful content you posted on your blog.  They like the cut of your jib and decide to sign up for a session or a package.  They pay and then set up a time with you.

Or let’s say they contact you to ask questions about your service. You have a lovely conversation or email exchange and maybe the sign up or maybe they won’t.  You’re not stressing because it didn’t take a lot of time to answer those queries.

The energy in these scenarios: free will + peace.  No coercion.  No pushiness.  No pressure for either you or your client.

Sounds great, right?

It can be just like that.  (That energy is more appropriate for mystical and spiritual businesses.)

Instead of those “sales techniques” and strong armed tactics, simply put great stuff out there, show that you care, and be yourself.

It’s time to put those high pressured sales practices and gimmicks to rest.

Make your sales through being great at what you do and forming earnest relationships – not through being good at old skool salesman techniques that leave everyone feeling slimy.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014

Soul Proprietor Monday Memos

Grow your mind, body, soul business... without losing your mind, body or soul.

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