soul proprietor

I just started a new hobby: bird feeding.  Every day, I go out and load up the little feeder and then watch my feathered friends belly up for some treats.

While this may sound like a rather tame (or lame) past time, it brings me great pleasure to help out these critters, especially with winter fast approaching.

As I was watching the birds and squirrels (didn’t want them involved but they are aggressively interested in that feeder too) filling their bellies, I found my mind thinking about…yep…business.

I’ve been learning a few things about marketing just from observing these animals show up for the morning feed.

  1. Put it out there and make it attractive.  A nice, easy-to-use feeder makes it simple for these guys to find the goods and get what they need.  Your website should operate just like that.  It should be painless to find it on the web, attractive, and a snap to use.
  2. Be visible.  You can’t attract the birds if the feeder is hidden away.  I have mine hanging on a pole in the center of the yard.  It’s up high and accessible.  If you want to get people to your world, they must be able to see you.  Be in places where your fans can find you without having to dig.  That means: try out social media.  Create some ads.  Get your message out there – often.  Don’t operate in the bushes.
  3. Be consistent.  I’m putting that seed mix out every single day.  We have a lot more song birds chirping away since I’ve begun this consistent practice.  Same with business: if you go on hiatus, don’t expect people to remember you. A lack of consistency says you’re not in it to win it.
  4. Think niche but welcome diversity. I was initially perturbed when the squirrels began to latch on to the feeder.  This wasn’t for them.  I thought about getting a squirrel-deterring feeder but then decided against it.  These guys were just as hungry as the birds and they weren’t hurting anything.  Although it’s great to have a niche in your business, a little diversity can be enriching.  Rather than reaching out to the same old, same old, why not check out new audiences?  You may be creating some fantastic new avenues for business.
  5. Be nice to everyone because you never know. After I got over my squirrel prejudice, I noticed something: these clever rodents would scale that pole and hang upside down to eat.  They’d also shake the feeder and knock seeds on the ground, which made it easier for the birds to get their fill.  All this hubbub attracted…you guessed it…more birds.  These squirrels became the seed evangelists who were bringing more birds to the yard.  You never know who will be the one spreading the word about your business.  Treat your clients with respect and be friendly even to people that you don’t do business with directly. After all, you never know who may be shouting your name out from the rooftops and helping to “seed” your business.

“Small birds throw seeds out of the feeder; large birds pick them up off the ground, but the squirrels try to muscle in.” ― Lilian Jackson Braun

Where do you get inspiration or lessons?  Look around and you may find unusual sources of wisdom for your business too.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014

Soul Proprietor Monday Memos

Grow your mind, body, soul business... without losing your mind, body or soul.

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