soul proprietor

The other day I was talking to an old friend who runs a mystical biz. She was having problems with a peer and it was getting to her. This guy was not only trying to step on her turf (he’s local) but he was also running his mouth about how “lame” and “pedestrian” he thought her work was compared to his.

Naturally, she was steamed.

I would be too.

But here’s the thing: when you are busy running your business and happily serving your clients, you don’t have a whole lotta time to focus on this sort of petty stuff.

I gave her the same advice I often give to others:  “get busy.” When you stay busy, you stay out of trouble. You don’t have time to engage in drama.

Simple as that.

Don’t me wrong – there are days where something or someone really gets under my skin. I can easily go into brooding ala Rebel Without A Cause but you know what? It solves nothing – and it gives me hives. Seriously.

Thankfully, I’ve got enough irons in the proverbial fire so that my attention on b.s. doesn’t last long. On the rare occasion that I get sucked in, a good rant with my husband and back to work I go – using that negative stuff as fuel for my fire.

The next time you find yourself getting bogged down with someone else’s trifling ways or any other biz drama, remember this: what you focus on grows. Turn your energy right back to your good work. Stay there.

Be prolific, not problematic.


Soul Proprietor Monday Memos

Grow your mind, body, soul business... without losing your mind, body or soul.

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Be prolific, not problematic. When you stay busy, you stay out of trouble.

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