soul proprietor

Six figures on only four hours a week.

50k launches.

Over 10k on the list.

Big numbers.

Big brands.

Big brags.

Before you get all impressed with other people’s “big numbers” hear this:  don’t believe every number you read.

Some people inflate their numbers.  Sad but true.

Some gurus may tell you to do this because it will get you more respect.  (Some will even tell you to pretend that you have an assistant so that you “look” more successful.)

You don’t need big numbers to have a thriving business.  Big numbers don’t guarantee success either.  I know people with ginormous lists and sites that get a lot of hits…but who make very little income.

What’s more important: a business built on integrity and honesty.

Put your energy into that.

Never feel a need to pretend that you or your business is something it’s not. There is no honor in “faking it til you make it.”

That route only leads to the fear of getting busted, which feels more like a criminal operation, not a heart-centered one.

Be honest. Don’t fudge your numbers. Don’t be anything but you.

Impress people with your client care, your professionalism, and your sincerity.

That’s good enough – and it’s more than enough to flourish.



@ Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014

Soul Proprietor Monday Memos

Grow your mind, body, soul business... without losing your mind, body or soul.

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