Those four day workweeks are a fallacy for most entrepreneurs. For many of us, it’s easy to get sucked into a seven day workweek. Taking time off during the week may seem like a luxury when you’re trying to juggle it all. You may feel that you need every spare minute for your business.
You don’t.
You need time off. It’s the key to remaining creative and sane.
For me, that means one day off a week. That day is focused on power walks, creative writing, cooking classes, and fancy meals with the family. Sometimes there is a date night at the movies worked in there.
This day allows me to replenish myself – and I can come back to my business on Monday, ready to nail it.
When you take proper time off, you need to set a few rules for yourself:
Keep some structures in place around email. An email during dinner from a client may seem urgent but it’s probably not. They can wait. That meal with your loved ones? You won’t get that chance again.
Avoid work related stuff on your day off. Don’t use your day off as the day to finally get that paperwork done. Do that stuff on your work days.
Set boundaries with clients so that they know when you’re off the clock. Make sure they know when you’re not available. Stick to those boundaries no matter what.
Schedule in fun much as you schedule in client appointments. When you put it on the calendar and treat your time off with as much reverence as you treat your work days, it will become a happy habit and one that will serve you – and your business – well.
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