Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

The Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024 shows up on October 2nd at 2:49 PM EDT. This marks the final eclipse in the Aries/Libra axis, something we won’t experience again until 2033. Because it’s a New Moon, it’s not really an ending, but instead, the fresh start after a long period of hard work. You’re free to go at last!

Libra is associated with relationships, so expect major shifts in some of your significant partnerships. For example, you may find the courage to release a relationship you’ve outgrown, opening the door for someone new to enter. The changes could also come from within, such as learning to be direct about your needs, which could lead to healthier connections. It’s also possible that an ex may return out of the blue or a current flame may suddenly ghost you, leaving you confused. Remember, eclipses have a way of shaking things up, so it’s best to be alert and adaptable, even if the changes feel unsettling. Once the dust settles, you’ll have a much better idea of why things happened and how to pivot.

Although partnerships may be up for review, justice is another Libra theme that could get a lot of attention around this eclipse. Demands for peace could get louder, forcing politicians to work harder to find diplomatic solutions. Will this work? Well, the Solar Eclipse in Libra could signal a new beginning in talks, so this could be the tipping point where things start to move in the right direction.

Eclipse season tends to be unpredictable, and sometimes, nerve wracking. Considering the States are in the middle of election season, everyone may be on edge around this day. Libra rules balance, so this is the ideal time to elevate your self-care practices. Take the day off if you can. REST. Schedule a massage or other chill activity. Above all, try to roll with the vibe. Remember, ultimately this is a day for all things new. A bright future with love, liberty, and justice for all IS possible.

Here are some mini Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024 tarot readings with the Every Little Thing You Do Is Magic Tarot!

Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign


Aries: Six of Wands – You’re poised for a victory. Stay sharp and keep going!

Taurus: Strength – A major issue is resolved at last. You conquered the beast.

Gemini: Five of Wands – The competition is intense. Your tenacity and cleverness ensures you outwit everyone.

Cancer: Three of Wands – The opportunity you hoped for is on the way. Stay alert.

Leo: Five of Swords – A snake is in your midst. Be ready to confront this shady shit.

Virgo: Six of Pentacles – Sharing is caring. Your generosity inspires others to do the same.

Libra: Six of Cups – Your home base is secured. No one can intrude on your peace.

Scorpio: Three of Pentacles – Your hard work is getting noticed. Be proud of your accomplishments.

Sagittarius: Ace of Cups – A new emotional beginning is here. Let go of the old hurts and let your heart open up.

Capricorn: Ten of Pentacles – Security is possible now. The seeds you planted begin to thrive.

Aquarius: The Chariot – You must assume control of a situation (or yourself). A tight rein is necessary.

Pisces: Three of Swords – The anxiety is intense, but this too, shall pass. The worst is almost over.



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Books: Learn how to read tarot like the High Priestess with Tarot: No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading. Get your astro-lingo down pat with Astrology For Real Life: A No B.S. Guide for the AstroCurious. Put it all together for your successful life with Twist Your Fate – Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot. Learn how to deliver compassionate readings with The Cards You’re Dealt – How to Deal When Life Gets Real.


© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2024

images from stock photography (Muhammad Nafay) and personal collection


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