Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn arrives on Saturday, January 5th at 8:28 PM EST. Eclipses signal a major change and the energy could be intense around this day. To add another layer of kapow, the moon is also conjunct serious Saturn. Think of this like a New Moon on speed – amped up, super-charged, heavy-duty and a bit unpredictable! In other words: BUCKLE THE HELL UP!

Because it’s in the sign of Capricorn, this eclipse may impact corporations, governments, and authority figures. Something may come to light around this day that could shake things up in one of those areas. We’ll certainly want to keep an eye on world events!

For the rest of us regular folks, the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is ideal for taking stock of our plans. What’s working? What’s not? Do you need to make a new plan going forward? Is it time for a late New Years Resolution? Look closely at the structures in your life to see where you might need to start anew. Make plans for the future you really want.

The Capricorn placement is ideal for work matters. Set intentions around career or business. For example, do you want to start your own business? This is a great day to get moving on that, even if only putting your plans down on paper. Already in business? Look for new avenues for growth. What new services might you want to create this year? For those who don’t run their own enterprise, it may be time to look for a new job if you’re not digging the current one. It’s also possible that this eclipse may bring impactful news around your work – be ready to shift gears if necessary. If you receive news or an offer of some sort, it may be worth entertaining that.

Good eclipse advice in general: don’t push yourself on the days around an eclipse. Rest up. Stay hydrated. Make time for reflection. Spend time in nature. Go with the flow as much as possible. If something does change, don’t assume the worst and don’t fight it. Trust that whatever is happening is meant to be.

Whether you’re looking for a fresh start, new career, or wish to start your own venture, this day is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it count.

And here’s some mini Solar Eclipse in Capricorn Tarot Readings for each sign of the zodiac using the beautiful Moonchild Tarot!

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

Here’s some mini Solar Eclipse in Capricorn Tarot Readings for each sign of the zodiac using the beautiful Moonchild Tarot!

Aries: The Moon – Something is changing but it may be hard to see where it may lead. Do not fear this change. Your instincts will guide you.

Taurus: Seven of Pentacles – If you’ve been busting your ass but not seeing the return on your investment, scale back your efforts.

Gemini: Nine of Wands – A setback is possible before the job is done. Do not let that deter you. Soldier on! Stay alert for shit disturbers.

Cancer: Divine Wisdom – You are getting ready for awakening. Soon you will become aware of the divine wisdom that resides within you.

Leo: Six of Swords – After a bumpy period, life begins to smooth out. The changes ahead are in your favor. Don’t assume the worst – folks have your back.

Virgo: The High Priestess – Your intuition will be uncanny over the next few days. Pay attention to your gut feelings, instincts, dreams, and visions.

Libra: Eight of Wands – You are moving in the right direction. Progress is assured. Everything is picking up speed at long last.

Scorpio: Ace of Cups – A new romantic or emotional beginning is in the air. You have a chance to start fresh – or to get fresh! Maybe both.

Sagittarius: Six of Wands – Success is yours for the taking! Everything you’ve been doing pays off at last. Do your victory dance! SCORE!

Capricorn: The Fool – A new path beckons. Let go of the past. Drop those heavy bags. Free yourself! Take the first big step toward your new future.

Aquarius: Queen of Swords – Sometimes you need to say it like it is. This is that time. Speak your truth. Hold nothing back. Let everyone know where you stand.

Pisces: Shadow Work – Face your fears. Shed light on those dark spaces. Seek support if needed. When you bravely shine a light on your shadow, you can heal.



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If these mini Solar Eclipse in Capricorn tarot readings stoked your fire, you might want a personalized tarot reading with me. Head over here to book your session.

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2019

images from stock photography and personal collection


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