Solar Eclipse in Aries 2025 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

The Solar Eclipse in Aries  2025 comes in hot on March 29th at 6:58 AM ET. This fiery lunation is surrounded by positive aspects and major astro-changes, so get ready for a white-knuckled cosmic joy ride! Eclipses are like a joker card – they can be unpredictable and wild. In the sign of the Ram, things can get INTENSE quickly. Because this is a New Moon, the vibe is ready, set, and LET’S GO! Bull in a china shop? More like a goat in a nursery, ripping out the roses. That’s the energy we’ll be working with, so it’s best to brace yourself and welcome change, even if it seems out of your control.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries wants fresh starts. If something (or someone) needs to go, expect a hasty exit. This clears the way for new beginnings and unexpected opportunities. Stay alert for sudden shifts and prepare to leap into the unknown. It may feel scary, but action-oriented Aries helps find the courage to take risks. Trust that things will work out, even if you cannot see the finish line.

This eclipse is sandwiched between sextiles to Pluto and Jupiter, favorable aspects that add powerful and fortuitous energy. You might receive important news or a stroke of luck. Don’t question these happenings. Again, you must trust that whatever goes down will eventually lift you up. A few hours later, Mercury steps back into Pisces. Remember, Mercury is retrograde. If your feelings are stuck on overdrive, you could become overwhelmed – which could cause you to make emotional decisions that come with a side of consequences. So do take a moment to catch your breath (and your emotions) before leaping if that’s the case. The other way this could play out: Aries likes to burn bright, while Pisces wants to throw a wet blanket on that fire. This could dampen your enthusiasm for some of the goodness this eclipse offers. In that situation, it’s wise to put your inner Debbie Downer on quiet mode so you can nab those opportunities.

Neptune wades into Aries the next day, a cosmic event that feels like a swim into uncharted waters. After fourteen years in its home base of Pisces, Neptune has a chance to explore new territory. Neptune wants to dream and create – in Aries, it’s willing to fight for that vision. The last time Neptune was in the sign of the Ram was in 1861, right when the American Civil War kicked in. So the question becomes: can we find a shared vision that makes the dream possible for all – and are we willing to throw down to make it happen?

Here are some mini Solar Eclipse in Aries 2025 tarot readings with The Guiding Light Tarot!

Solar Eclipse in Aries 2025 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries: The World – A chapter comes to a perfect ending. Now you’re free for a new adventure.

Taurus: Ten of Cups reversed – If the dream didn’t work, let it go. A new vision is needed.

Gemini: The Hierophant – An important piece of information is revealed. Your guides know what’s up.

Cancer: Seven of Wands – There are many challenges at the moment. You’re more than ready for this.

Leo: Death – The old way is done. A rebirth is on the way. Embrace the future.

Virgo: Ace of Wands – Opportunity knocks. This could be the golden ticket.

Libra: Eight of Pentacles – Recognition arrives. You’ve done the work – enjoy the rewards.

Scorpio: Ace of Swords reversed – Choose your battles wisely. Some people aren’t worth it.

Sagittarius: Knight of Pentacles – The ground is fertile. Plant seeds for future prosperity. Growth is assured.

Capricorn: Seven of Swords – After a tricky few weeks, you find the loophole. You prevail despite the odds.

Aquarius: Nine of Swords – Stress is getting to you. Elevate your self-care. REST.

Pisces: Three of Wands – You’re in a great position. New opportunities come into view.



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Books: Learn how to read tarot like the High Priestess with Tarot: No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading. Get your astro-lingo down pat with Astrology For Real Life: A No B.S. Guide for the AstroCurious. Put it all together for your successful life with Twist Your Fate – Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot. Learn how to deliver compassionate readings with The Cards You’re Dealt – How to Deal When Life Gets Real.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2025

images from stock photography and personal collection


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