Even though we had the class with the Amberstones, Friday is the “official” beginning of Reader’s Studio.  Ruth Ann and Wald began the event by welcoming everyone warmly.  This was followed up by a ritual, which charged the energy of the room and alerted us that now things are really underway.


The main instructors were introduced – and what a line up this year!  James Wells, James Wanless and Shawn Nacol.  I’m especially excited to take Shawn’s class because I have never had a class with him.  (We were both at the last RS but teaching workshops at the same time – and then we were at BATS but once again both teaching at the same time!)  The instructors told the audience what they would be teaching and I was happy to hear that these would be highly useful classes.  More on that later.

James Wells introduced by Wald Amberstone

Shawn Nacol introduced by Garnet Starr

James Wanless introduced by Ruth Ann Amberstone


We then chose partners for the “foundation readings”.  This is an important part of the Reader’s Studio – basically you pick a buddy and each do a reading on the first day of the conference.  On the last day, you revisit your reading and apply the skills you learned from the classes.  It’s very cool.  

I was lucky to get Mike Hernandez of Just Enough Tarot for my foundation partner.  Mike gave me a very moving and accurate reading.  I have no idea how he will top that or add to it because it was that good.  I’m looking forward to seeing what we come up with at the end of the conference.  

After the foundation readings, there was a welcoming ritual for the new conference goers.  We had quite a few newbies this year.  It’s exciting to see how the Reader’s Studio grows every year.  New attendees came from all over the world (including a lovely lady I met named Rosa Perez who told me that she came to the event after reading something I posted!).  


Newbie conference goers line up for the welcoming ritual

We were treated to an awesome lunch buffet (the Amberstones provide this every year and it is always delicious) and then settled in for James Wells’ class.

If you don’t know James, I really hope that I inspire you to get to know him.  A while back, I was dealing with a very tough situation and I got a reading from him.  James’ style is very therapeutic and it was just the balm I needed to begin healing.  I don’t even need to look at the notes I took from the reading because I can remember it so clearly – it impacted me that deeply.  


James Wells

James brought that compassionate energy into his session with a class on doing readings for tough times.  I once again partnered up with Mike for the exercises, which turned out to be a good move because he was just the right type of gentle for these sensitive readings.  People were moved by the information they uncovered and several stood up to share their findings.  James brings emotional magic to his work and this class most likely inspired more than a few breakthroughs.  I’m now armed with some great spreads for grieving, upsetting situations and more – which is always good to have in the tarot arsenal for myself, not to mention my clients.

After class, it was time to head out for dinner.  A group of us went to the local Buccaneer diner.  I admit, I am a bit of a food snob and like exotic things so I was super skeptical and bitchy about having dinner at a diner (I envisioned that gross “Diners, Dives and Drive Ins show) but was pleasantly surprised at my lovely sea scallops.  Yum!

The rest of the evening was study groups and readings from the presenters.  I was too tired and after a glass of wine decided to hit the sack and get some shut eye.  There was a busy day ahead and I didn’t want to be up to late.  

Okay, that’s it for now….more later!



© Theresa Reed |  The Tarot Lady 2012

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