The Hit List – Full Moon Hangover

The Hit List – Full Moon Hangover

Confession: I’ve never had a hangover. In fact, I’m a great drinker. I can hold down with the big boys. Well, I used to…but I can only drink one glass of wine these days or don’t sleep. Yes, sleeping is more important than imbibing with my buddies. Priorities change...
The Hit List – The ends of eras

The Hit List – The ends of eras

Yesterday, I stepped into Free Spirit Crystals for the last time. This beloved shop has been a favorite haunt for mystical seekers. But now, the owner is ready to retire. She’s heading to a cabin in the woods to write music. It’s sad, but at the same time, it feels so...
The Hit List – We are all Big Brother now

The Hit List – We are all Big Brother now

In 1949, author George Orwell published the novel 1984, a sinister tale about authoritarianism and mass surveillance. This story is set in the future, in a time of perpetual war. The Thought Police and Big Brother keep people in line by watching their every move. When...

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