The Hit List – The Leap of Faith

The Hit List – The Leap of Faith

Happy Leap Year! An extra day! YAY!  Every time a Leap Year comes around, I start thinking about what leaps of faith I’ve taken since the last one. There have been quite a few. New books, a writer’s retreat, travel galore, paying off my mortgage early. SO. MANY....
The Hit List – Penmanship Pals

The Hit List – Penmanship Pals

Once upon a time, in a classroom long ago, I managed to get an A on penmanship. In fact, this was a regular occurrence for me. I took pride in my handwriting back then. But over the years, after way too many hours spent on a computer, my cursive is cursed. Instead of...
The Hit List – Just stop saying yes

The Hit List – Just stop saying yes

The other day Gala Darling posted an image on her Instagram feed that said: “Just Stop Saying Yes To Shit You Hate.” I had to chuckle because I recently found myself regretting a yes. Without going into details, I had agreed to something that I...
The Hit List – No offense taken

The Hit List – No offense taken

I’m a Gemini. My love language is “words of affirmation.” This means that words are important to me. It’s no wonder I’m always writing and talking. Expressing my thoughts is as vital to me as the air I breathe. Perhaps because I’m getting older or maybe due to years...

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