Open For Business

Open For Business



Tarot-inspired business strategy

for professional healers, coaches + entrepreneurs.


Awaken your intuitive powers.

Accelerate your service-driven business.

When: we start on August 6th and complete on August 22nd (6 live classes – Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8PM CST).

Running a business requires creativity, commitment, a rock-steady support network —

and a genuine desire to be of service.

 It also requires the ability to stay open to instinct + opportunity.


So, what does it mean to be OPEN FOR BUSINESS?


It means scanning + spotting potential obstacles like a hawk.

It means choosing + acting with certainty, ‘cause you know what’s on the horizon.

It means trusting your judgment on every level — and magnetizing the clients who’ll love + trust you, back.

It means allowing yourself to receive what you’ve earned — cash, praise, a full client roster, opportunities, invitations — the whole kit + caboodle.


Sounds pretty stellar, right?

It is.

And Tarot is one of the most powerful tools to help you get open . . . and stay open.

OPEN FOR BUSINESS is a 3-week program for 12 exceptional entrepreneurs — healers, coaches + visionaries who want to bring the power of Tarot into their daily business operations. 

No previous Tarot-skillz required. No magical powers, either.

Just a willingness to see what the cards hold in store.


Breaking it down | What you’ll receive:

3 weeks of Tarot-inspired business strategy — with 6 live lessons, in a virtual classroom.

Just dial in, listen up, and raise your hand for Q’s + revelations.


Plus: daily (and nightly) access to a got-your-back community of peers, in a top-secret Facebook group. Log in, check for challenges + assignments, and post your success stories. Round of applause!


You’ll learn how to use Tarot to . . .


: Find your ideal business model + plan your next launch — right down to the date + time.


: Zero in on your ideal clients, manifest invitations + opportunities — even choose the most auspicious city for your next workshop or speaking gig.


: Hone your business message + promotional plan — and decide which marketing consultant to hire (or fire).


: Juice up your desire to write, blog + tweet — with Tarot-iffic prompts to inspire creativity + self-expression.


: Solve problems swiftly + switch gears when things simply aren’t working — without second-guessing your course-correction instincts.


: Connect with your clients more deeply — with an aerial view of the problems + fears they might be facing (but not expressing).


: Introduce your students, clients + customers to Tarot — by integrating archetype exploration, Major Arcana messages and even industry-specific spreads into your practice.


:And BONUS – I’ll share my super easy astrology tips for timing your launches and projects for maximum impact + profitability


With a Tarot deck and a little astrology know-how tucked into your business toolkit, you can be more responsive, resilient + ready-for-action.

You can unravel your clients + customers’ needs, with greater accuracy.

You can serve more people — serenely.

And you can work your magic, in the moment.

You get all this tarot-y goodness and lots o’ personalized attention + support from moi for only $247.00!  

(And did I mention that there are prizes?  Aw yeah!)

Get on it – NOW.

(PS This class is for FEMALES only.  Sorry boys…..)  



(and save some cashola)

by pre-registering now!

 The class is sold out – get on the wait list, yo:

Enter your name and email to get priority notification the moment the registration is opened for the next session of Open For Business

Check out these extra sparkly testimonials:

“Theresa is an incredible teacher. She creates a fun and engaging space and makes us dive right into practicing reading the cards. As a beginner I was unsure how much I would be able to participate but from the first day of class, I was encouraged and supported by Theresa and the group. If you are interested in gaining insights and using Tarot to help understand your business then this course is it. I have learned so much and will continue to use Tarot to understand my clients, figure out the best time to launch a new offering and find clarity around my overall business. The way in which I view my work and how I work has completely shifted. Thank you Theresa!” ~ Sora No

I feel super lucky to have enrolled in the first session of Open for Business.This class offers easy to learn tools for any entrepreneur; integrating tarot into business & marketing is simple as taught by Theresa. The astrology tips for successful business was worth the price of admission alone! The class surpassed my expectations each week. The homework was fun – I even won one of the weekly prize giveaways! Theresa was quick to answer questions and offer guidance in the forum and students were encouraged to share and learn from each other. Open for Business is a smart, savvy class with a supportive community – I highly recommend it.” ~ Kristina Wingeier

“Theresa Reed’s Open For Business has equipped me with an array of intuitive strategies to manifest the empire my imagination holds dear. I love bringing the woo-woo into my business to balance the over-thinking part of my Virgo brain. This course was a class act from beginning to end. Theresa gave so much individual attention, I may be spoiled forever. And the community was super-engaged and down-to-earth. My tarot deck is my new favorite business tool, and while others may scoff at that, I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank!” ~ Victoria Prozan

“Theresa is so much fun. She created an interactive and warm learning environment where doing homework was never a chore and I always felt comfortable to ask any question. Everything she taught us was practical and easy to do and I am enjoying using these new skills in my business everyday.” ~ Angela Lau

“Open for Business is an experience you don’t want to miss. Theresa’s hands-on teaching style will help you get clear on where you want to go and provide you with the tools you need to get there. Her tarot spreads for business planning are invaluable. They’ve provided much needed guidance throughout my launch, and I know I’ll continue to use them throughout my career. The live calls were an empowering way to gain confidence as a reader and entrepreneur, and being able to interact with like-minded women was incredibly nourishing. If you’re planning a launch or starting your own metaphysical biz, this class will energize your career and invigorate your soul.” ~ Amelia Quint

“When I heard that Theresa was teaching Tarot, I jumped at the chance to learn from her. Even though I was brand-spankin’ new to Tarot and felt pretty intimidated, I had nothing to worry about. Theresa’s a wise, positive and fun teacher — and created a safe learning environment for all of us. I loved how she taught Tarot by applying the lessons to my business. I now feel pretty comfortable with reading Tarot cards. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn Tarot from a top-notch teacher.” ~ Maureen Clancy

“I’d already had the pleasure of learning what it’s like to work with Theresa directly, and also to be on the receiving end of her (super helpful and practical) classes. Even with all that experience behind me, this particular class still (somehow) took me by surprise. I’m notorious for signing up for a class and getting very excited about it in the starting, but then trailing off and getting behind. Not this time. The homework, the practice, the sharing via the private Facebook group, all of it kept me interested and active the entire way through. The class just recently ended, but I’m already seeing how I can continue to use what I’ve learned in my business (and my life). You can be damn sure that I will too.” ~ Angel Sullivan

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