Got a tarot business or trying to get one started? Wondering how to maximize your potential without killing yourself (or spending a fortune)? Looking for info that will actually help you elevate your biz? I’ve got the Mad Hookups for tarotpreneurs and aspiring tarot pros. Whether you are new to the game or an old hat, check out my latest recommended posts ‘n classes ‘n tools just for you:
Curious about SEO? Don’t miss this helpful post by Nathalie Lussier: SEO Basics – Why SEO is a Feminine Approach to Getting Traffic.
An inspirational interview with Hibiscus Moon over at Betty Means Business.
Great strategies from Racheal Cook of The Yogipreneur: Fill your calendar with amazing private clients, STAT.
Amulet magazine just launched this fabulous program: Gold. Know your worth. Because when you know your worth and honor yourself, you should up as a better entrepreneur.
From Seth Godin: Worried about online trolls? It’s the trolls in your head you need to be more concerned with.
Are you using Instagram for your tarot biz yet? Here are some smart Instagram tools worth checking out.
Ever get a “NO” when a client contacted you? I wrote a post on when your intuition says no over at the Coaching Blueprint blog.
Also at the Coaching Blueprint blog: The 6 clients you don’t want to work with. Even tarot readers will relate to these!
Need help coming up with blog content? Sarah Von Bargen has an offer that may turbo-boost your blog!
More bloggy goodness! You may want to take a peek at Bre Pea’s post 70+ ideas for any blog’s editorial calendar.
I think tarot conferences are great for tarotpreneurs! Grow your skills + network. Win/win. Here’s my post on how to make the most out of tarot conferences and a list of some of the most popular ones in the US. (PS the annual Reader’s Studio is getting close to selling out. Get in before the doors close!)
How do you run a meeting with your team? Danielle LaPorte gives a glimpse into how she does it.
New from Unconventional Guides: Live and Work from Anywhere. Get virtual with your tarot biz!
Outsource. Yeah yeah…outsource your work. Blah blah blah. But Susan Hyatt lays out this truth: You can’t “outsource” all of the hard work. Can I get a hell yeah?!
Smart advice: Small business action plan for the Twitter-Google firehose deal.
Learn how to hire your dream team with this very wise piece from the remarkable Hiro Boga.
I am in LOVE with this Make It Happen!: A Workbook & Productivity Tracker for Getting Stuff Done from Kari Chapin. Also, her The Brilliant Ideas Launch Pad: Generate & Capture Your Best Ideas
is a MUST HAVE for all creative entrepreneurs and tarot peeps!
From Anne Samoilov – why you need a side hustle after you leave your day job. Weaning into full time tarot work is a great strategy.
Tara Gentile has some great ideas here: 5 Ways to Generate Revenue Now Without Having to Have a Sale.
Want to see how I read tarot on the road? Take a gander at My Portable Tarot Office. (You’re going to love my bags!)
HOT TIP: Your tarot business should reflect you – and your real life. Write from your heart. Share your stories. Post real pictures of your life. Be intimate. Let your readers + clients get to KNOW YOU. Don’t hide behind your tarot cards – be the face in front of them.
Newsletters to read: Speaking of Tara Gentile, her newsletter is one of the best for any small biz. I adore her business philosophy and have become a much better entrepreneur by following her recommendations.
Listen up: if you have a website or want one, you do NOT want to miss this month’s episode of Talking Shop with Theresa and Bri. We are featuring web designer and security expert Alison Monday of Tiny Blue Orange for Getting Your Website Right + Tight. Learn how to make your site gorgeous, functional and, most importantly, secure!
On my beside reading stack: Work Simply: Embracing the Power of Your Personal Productivity Style by Carson Tate. I did productivity books and this one has some good ideas!
Don’t forget: I have sweet little business ebooks just for you. At only $15 a pop, these gems will give your mystical biz a mega boost. Check out the ala carte biz goodness at Professional Mystic’s Guides. And be sure to check out my new email biz mentoring services – priced at a low $25 per question.
Go on and succeed wildly, hot stepper!
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2015
Got a Mad Hookup I need to know about? Shoot me an email and let me take a gander, homeslice.
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