Lunar Eclipse in Virgo 2025 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

Eclipse season is officially in session!

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo 2025 arrives on March 14th at 2:55 AM ET, a cosmic event that promises to bring order in the house! Virgo is associated with perfectionism, details, service, health, and routines. This lunation sheds a halogen light on where you need to clean up your act. If you are a hot mess in any area, it will be hard to sweep it under the rug. Eclipses don’t play – and this one wants you to face the messy parts. Take a long, hard look at your life. What’s not working? Are you holding on to things, memories, or people that only serve to add unnecessary clutter? Is it time to let it go once and for all? Even if you insist on hanging on, this eclipse will find a way to force a release. After all, eclipses are associated with sudden, powerful change. A Lunar Eclipse in Virgo wants a clean slate – so it’s best to prepare for clear endings.

There is no better time for a spring cleaning. If your home is disorganized, take out the trash! Virgo adores cleanliness, so grab your scrub brush and make your spaces sparkle. Plump up the pillows, change sheets, and put your belongings in their proper places. While you’re at it, open the window and let the fresh air in! Your nest will enjoy the reset.

Because Virgo is associated with work, this Lunar Eclipse may reveal an issue that needs attention. It’s also possible a job will be “eclipsed” out of your life, pushing you to make a significant career move. Keep in mind, eclipses can be unpredictable. If you experience a shake-up at work, it may be best to give it a few days before making decisions. Let the dust settle first.

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo wants efficiency. Take stock of your routines and habits. Do you procrastinate too much? Are you working harder instead of smarter? You may be able to find the time burglars and arrest them.

Shortly after the Lunar Eclipse shows up, the Moon trines Uranus followed by a Sun-Uranus sextile, a dynamic astrological duo that provides potent “aha” lightning bolt realizations. Your inner critic may have much to say once these cosmic happenings occur. Some of the information you receive may be valuable, while other insights may be nothing more than perfectionist anxiety. Know the difference and cut yourself some slack! Keep in mind that Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which stations retrograde on the 15th. This means communication and thinking could get wonky for a few weeks. Practice discernment (a Virgo trait), and you’ll cut through the nonsense like a machete through jelly.

Lastly, remember that eclipses can be draining. Get your rest, stay hydrated, and take as many breaks as you need. This way, you’ll remain present for the work that needs to be done.

Here are some mini Lunar Eclipse in Virgo 2025 tarot readings with the Universal Folk Tarot!

Lunar Eclipse in Virgo 2025 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign


Aries: Nine of Swords – A worry comes to a head. Face your fears, and they will lose their power.

Taurus: Five of Wands – You have many irons in many fires. Somehow, this fuels you. Keep going!

Gemini: Three of Pentacles – The support you need to succeed is by your side. Together, you’re unstoppable!

Cancer: Ace of Pentacles – A new opportunity presents itself. It’s not too good to be true – it’s real.

Leo: The Tower – A necessary shakeup. This feels like a jolt to the senses – but it burns everything clean.

Virgo: The Lovers reversed – If a relationship is unhealthy, it may be eclipsed out of your life. Good riddance!

Libra: Seven of Cups – Your dreams are vivid at this time. There may be magical messages in them. Pay attention!

Scorpio: Nine of Cups – You’re about to get a wild wish fulfilled. Think big and petition the Universe.

Sagittarius: Strength – A situation tests your patience. Easy, tiger. You will be victorious!

Capricorn: Queen of Swords – A logical mind and sharp tongue will take you places. Keep your head cool and your mouth sassy.

Aquarius: Five of Pentacles – Are you worried about money? There is a source just around the corner.

Pisces: Six of Cups – Reunions with old friends bring cheer. It’s good to be around your right people!



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Books: Learn how to read tarot like the High Priestess with Tarot: No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading. Get your astro-lingo down pat with Astrology For Real Life: A No B.S. Guide for the AstroCurious. Put it all together for your successful life with Twist Your Fate – Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot. Learn how to deliver compassionate readings with The Cards You’re Dealt – How to Deal When Life Gets Real.


© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2025

images from stock photography and personal collection


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