Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 2024 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 2024 lights up the heavens on September 17th at 10:34 PM EDT. This is the first in a series of eclipses on the Virgo/Pisces axis, which continues into 2027. The eclipses for the past two years put the focus on independence and cooperation (Aries/Libra); this new series is centered on service and sacrifice (Virgo/Pisces).

Before we dive more into this vibe, I want to say that eclipses get a bad rap. Sure, they’re intense, but that doesn’t mean they should be viewed with fear. Instead, approach these lunar heavyweights with respect – and an open mind. Eclipses are like ripples – something has been lurking under the surface, and it can no longer be hidden. An eclipse sheds light on what needs to change. If you groove with this vibe, you can clear away blockages, old stories, and unproductive thoughts. In a way, it’s like draining a bathtub after the water has become dirty and cold. As it swirls down the drain, you are free to fill your tub all over again.

During eclipse season, it’s crucial to slow down and prioritize self-care. Emotions can be super-charged, both yours and other people’s, making it too easy for misunderstandings. The more mindful you are, the less likely you’ll experience drama. Some situations or people could get “eclipsed” out of your life, but it’s best to let go. A few days later, you might see that exit was for your benefit. Sometimes it’s hard to release your grasp, especially if you assume this was “it.” However, eclipses eventually reveal the truth, so be patient and trust the universe knows better than you.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces happens at 25º – if you have mutable planets close to this degree, you might feel its effects more strongly than others. Even so, everyone usually feels eclipse energy in some way. Pisces is associated with sacrifice, suggesting that something might need to be relinquished for the greater good. For example, you might be called to put your needs aside to care for a loved one. Or you may have to press pause on a goal because there are other things that need your attention. Do not assume your sacrifices will be for naught. Rewards will come, so don’t lose faith.

Speaking of which, Pisces is associated with spirituality. This Lunar Eclipse might test your beliefs in some way. You might want to engage in spiritual practices to help you ride the wave – or perhaps it’s time to examine your ideals. There is nothing wrong with doing this periodically. It might help strengthen your spiritual life or embrace something new.

Emotions and intuition are also part of Pisces’s realm. Let your feelings flow and trust your instincts, which should be sharper than usual. However, if your emotions are getting the best of you, give yourself permission to step back until you feel grounded. Of course, you can also seek support if need be.

Boundaries can get blurry under a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. Be ready to reinforce them as needed. Don’t feel guilty either (Pisces energy can be empathic in an unhealthy way). Protect your energy!

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is surrounded by two challenging aspects: a Venus-Chiron opposition on the 16th at 5:29 PM EDT and a Mercury-Saturn opposition on the 18th at 4:50 AM EDT. This adds challenges with relationships, communication, and old, tired narratives. While it’s wise to sidestep drama as much as possible, there is also the potential to face toxic situations once and for all. Stand in your power, handle your business, and let the healing begin.

Here are some mini Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 2024 tarot readings with The Rhythm and Soul Tarot!

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 2024 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries: The Maw Maw – Your maternal instincts are heightened. Care for those who need it.

Taurus: Three of Axes – A heartbreak causes distress. Shed your tears, and let it go.

Gemini: Seven of Roots – Look at your accomplishments! Your prolific nature deserves an award.

Cancer: The Magician – Tap into your power and see what you can manifest. You ARE magic.

Leo: Four of Jazz – As summer winds down, you’re ready to boogie down. Make time for fun.

Virgo: Eight of Blues – If it isn’t working, bounce. Don’t stay in places that feel soulless.

Libra: The Eon – Your rise is inevitable. Shed the old and prepare for lift-off!

Scorpio: Six of Roots – You have what you need and then some. Share your wealth.

Sagittarius: Two of Roots – Why did you overcommit again? Find a way to delegate.

Capricorn: The Hermit – You need a break from humans. Create a hideout – and bolt the door.

Aquarius: Queen of Roots – You’re in a harvest period. Everything prospers you now.

Pisces: Death – The old way no longer works. You are long overdue for a metamorphosis.



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Books: Learn how to read tarot like the High Priestess with Tarot: No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading. Get your astro-lingo down pat with Astrology For Real Life: A No B.S. Guide for the AstroCurious. Put it all together for your successful life with Twist Your Fate – Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot. Learn how to deliver compassionate readings with The Cards You’re Dealt – How to Deal When Life Gets Real.


© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2024

images from stock photography and personal collection


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