I’ve been teaching hatha yoga and meditation for almost a decade. Many of my yoga students come to me through my tarot business – so it was only natural that one day I would combine the two.
A few years ago, I taught a series of classes based on the Major Arcana. My students loved it and that’s how “Light On Tarot” was born. This simple ecourse is the result of those live classes – I put all of the lessons into this 22 week journey with a hope that it would inspire people to connect with tarot or yoga in a fun, experiential way.
Q: Why an ecourse?
A: An ecourse is easy to deliver and allows the student to work at their own pace.
Q: Is this suitable for beginners? Do I have to know yoga or tarot to participate?
A: I aimed this program at beginners but anyone with an interest in either practice can participate. My goal was to give those who were curious about tarot or yoga a “taste”. Nothing here is very complicated nor is it very deep. This is a light and gentle exploration designed to whet the appetite and invite deeper study.
Q: I’ve never done yoga before. Is it safe?
A: The program is geared towards beginners – there are no complicated poses other than the inversions. But even so, you should consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. If you’ve never done yoga, don’t start this (or any yoga program) until you’ve been given a green light by your doctor. And feel free to avoid any pose that makes you uncomfortable!
Q: Is there any follow up or interaction with you?
A: No. This is a self paced journey.
Q: What is the difference between the weekly delivery vs. the full download?
A: Simple – the program can be delivered to your email inbox weekly but if you are impatient, you can download the whole program immediately. It’s a matter of preference. When you sign up the for the weekly ecourse, you’ll get an email asking you to confirm your subscription – be sure to confirm! You’ll then receive a welcome email and the first lesson will arrive the next day. If you order the full course download, you’ll receive a link to download the whole sucka immediately.
Q: How did you find correlations between the two?
A: It’s easy for me – I’ve been doing yoga and tarot for a long time so I tend to see everything through a yogic/tarot lens!
Q: Where can I get my copy?
A: Right on my site at: http://www.lightontarot.com
Q: The program inspired me to learn more about yoga. Are there any programs you recommend to deepen my yoga practice?
A: I highly recommend connecting with a good studio in your area. If you cannot find one, check out DVDs to learn more. Rodney Yee has many quality DVDs – I recommend starting there. As far as yoga books, the classic “Light on Yoga” by BKS Iyengar is the way to go.
Q: The program inspired me to learn more about tarot. How can I learn more?
A: If you can find a good teacher in your area, go for it! If you cannot, you may want to check out the Tarot School – they have a fantastic correspondence program. I also recommend “78 Degrees of Wisdom” by Rachel Pollack or “21 Ways To Read A Tarot Card” by Mary Greer.
Q: I don’t have a tarot deck. Where can I get one and what do you suggest I start with?
A: I recommend the Rider Waite Smith deck. It’s a classic and easy to use. You can purchase a copy at The Tarot Garden. They have lots of other lovely decks in case the RWS isn’t your thing.
Q: Will there be an ecourse featuring the Minor Arcana in the future?
A: At this point, I have no plans for it. But you never know. 😉
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2012
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