The other day I witnessed an act of cruelty.  And I have to admit, it got under my skin.  In fact, it bothered me for days and I had a hard time letting it go.

I’m sensitive like that.

When someone engages in mean spirited behavior, it rattles me to the core. I dislike any sort of disharmony (Libra rising).  I don’t mind a debate – but drama…not down with it.  I’m a lover, not a fighter.

In fact, I like my world to be orderly, honest, healthy and happy with as little stress as possible.  And trust me, I work hard to keep my life rolling in that direction.

But I am also a realist and I know that I need to keep that skin as thick as an elephant’s hide because the world isn’t always going to live up to my rosy and sunshiny expectations.  People are human and part of the human experience is also loss, anger, depression, and brutality.

Despite that fact, how I react to the world around me is all the matters.

I can choose to be happy no matter what.

How do I get there when the world seems to be darker and more negative?  How do I find that sweet spot of joy when I see cruelty – or have to deal with it directly?

I choose happiness.

I meditate.

I spend time in silence.

I talk to the shopkeepers, baristas, tellers and postmen on my daily errands.

I smile.

I consider the source.

I try not to take it personally.  It’s usually not about me – it’s about them.

I spend time with people who are calm, content and positive.

I shut out the toxic ones.  Eliminate them entirely if possible.

I avoid television.

I go outside.

I put a cat on my lap (I have one on my lap right now as I write this.)

I eat chocolate.

I drink a glass of wine.

I count my blessings.

I laugh with my friends.

I read inspiring books.

I do yoga.

I play with my tarot.

I make someone else happy.  Maybe even surprise them with a little gift.

I journal.

Massage.  OMG.

I might get a special candle or some other sort of mojo enhancer.

I eat a good meal.

I phone my children.

I send love and compassion to the haters out there.

I listen to L’il Wayne or Die Antwoord.

I get therapy if it feels too dark.

I admire those who have come through incredible hardship with grace.

I sign up for a reiki session with an incredible healer.

I forgive.

I take responsibility for my part in the situation and ask for forgiveness.

I surround myself with booksandjoyandloveandgoodfoodandhonestfriendsandanimalsandart.

I let go.

I embrace the present moment.

I breathe.

I choose to be happy.  Do you?



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2012

How do you find happiness when the world is acting oh so cruelly?  How do you respond to negativity when it shows up in your world?  I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below:

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