This is a cautionary tale of two very ungrounded tarot readings.
The first one starts with me as a client. I was freaking out over a relationship that was quickly going sour. Somewhere deep in my tender little heart I could feel the impending death knoll lurking – yet I was resisting with a mighty force. (Never underestimate the power of young love!)
I was so distressed that I spent my days pounding Mountain Dew and chain smoking like a fiend. And when I wasn’t busy putting my body through the speedball effect of caffeine and nicotine, I slept. And cried. And obsessed. A lot. I could not get my brain straight.
So what did I do? I went to a tarot reader, of course!
As I walked into the dusty, cluttery occult shop (red eyed and caffeinated out of my gourd), I plopped down to get a reading from the current lady on duty.
As I shuffled the deck, I noticed that I was shaking. I could barely concentrate. My brain was racing like a scared rabbit being chased by a pit bull. I was not a pretty sight.
And guess what? I didn’t hear a word that poor woman was saying to me. I even tried to push and pull to get the answer I wanted. I walked out even more confused than ever. The reading wasn’t bad….I was simply “not present” to receive any information that could have genuinely helped my situation.
(In case you are wondering, the relationship died a sad, pathetic demise shortly after.)
Story number two. Years ago, when I was a young and foolish tarot reader, I was visiting a friend and we were doing some partying. Not just a sip of wine. Nope. Lots of drinking. It didn’t take long until I was hammered.
And then he casually dropped a bomb: “Hey, I told my friends that you would do some tarot readings for them.” Crap. I was in no shape to be giving advice to anyone…yet what did I do? I whipped out those cards and proceeded to read.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the readings but I felt like absolute garbage. Not just while doing them – but after I was sober, I worried what I might have said. I was once again, “not present”. This was hugely negligent and not in the best interests of the querents – or me.
I came away from both experiences a lot wiser – and with a more responsible attitude. I learned that the best readings will always come when both client and reader are completely centered and in the moment. However, this is not an easy feat.
For example, sometimes people are very nervous about getting a reading. This can lead to an anxious push to get the answer you want. This approach rarely leads to a clear answer. Tarot doesn’t seem to work well with that energy.
On the other side of the coin, a tired tarot reader who stayed up way too late watching reruns of Iron Chef may also lead to a lackluster reading.
Whether you or your reader are anxious, tired, hung over, ill, or bored, a lack of presence almost guarantees a less than stellar experience for both parties. The connection must be GROUNDED in order for the best information to come through with clarity and precision.
If you want to get a more accurate reading, then here are a few tips that can apply to both client and reader
- If your brain is not in a calm state, wait until it is before you start messing around with the cards. Approach the tarot when you are able to put your anxiety off to the side.
- Get in your body! So many people (and tarot readers especially) like to live in their heads. The remedy: do something physical every single day – a walk, Tai Chi, yoga – whatever makes you feel absolutely “inside” your body. Feel what it is like to be YOU, right now, right here.
- Meditate. This is my all time favorite way to bring my mind into the present moment. Meditation is not as hard as you think – and you don’t even need to do a long session. Even a few minutes a day will help your mind be anchored in the here and now.
- Never approach tarot if you have been indulging in alcohol or other mind altering substances. This takes you out of your body and makes it too hard to concentrate.
- Energy work such as Reiki is perfect when your stress levels are high. Find a good healer that you can trust and get regular treatments.
- Here is a yogi’s secret: OM. Regular chanting of OM will bring your chakras into alignment and raise your vibration.
- Rest. A rested mind is a centered mind.
- Sit with your feet firmly planted on the earth. Uncross your legs and settle in. If you are sitting in an upright and alert position, you are more likely to be open to the energy.
Always remember, that no matter what is going on in your life – it is vital to make self care and grounding a priority. This actually applies not just to tarot – but to your life. The more you are “here”, the more conscious you will be. And the more aware you are, the better the quality of your life.
“You have to be able to center yourself, to let all of your emotions go… Don’t ever forget that you play with your soul as well as your body.” ~ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
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