Get ready: the Full Moon in Leo 2025 is on the way! This beauty arrives with a roar on February 12th at 8:53 AM ET. Full Moons indicate closure, and in regal Leo this day could mark the end of an important era. But fear not, for with every ending comes a new beginning. Something major is ready to exit, opening up the possibility for new leadership and creative ideas. Leo can be dramatic on its own, but with challenging aspects surrounding this lunation, expect a showdown before a glow-up. In other words, it’s a showy big bang before the fresh start can begin in earnest.
Tuesday finds the Aquarius Sun locked in a square with Uranus, an aspect that brings shake-ups, revelations, and disruptions. This may occur at a collective level, as Aquarius is associated with community. However, technology, innovation, and future-oriented goals are also in the Water Bearer’s domain, so there may be breakthroughs in those areas as well. Breakdowns often come before a breakthrough, and with the Sun squaring Uranus, we might see a revolt take shape. Right before it reaches fullness, the Moon squares Uranus, creating an unpredictable energy that may ripple into many areas. This uncertainty may feel uncomfortable, but know that the biggest gains often happen outside the comfort zone. The Moon opposes Mercury and stations void at 2:12 PM ET, giving pause to reflect on what went down and where to go from here. Even if you feel like taking action, it’s best to rest. Let things simmer. Your call to action will come soon enough.
Leo governs children, creativity, play, and leisure. One of the ways to harness this energy in a positive manner is to indulge your inner child. Spend the day playing, painting, reading favorite childhood books, or hanging with the kiddos (that includes furry, finned, and feathered babies). Let your mane down!
It’s also a lovely lunation for completing creative projects. Finish your artsy endeavors, and show the world what you’ve created! Leo is never shy about putting on a show. So toot your horn, make noise, and be proud of your accomplishments. Look, it’s a hard world out there – you might as well find something to rejoice. Today is ideal for celebrating wins, no matter how humble. Yay, you!
And here are some mini Full Moon in Leo 2025 Tarot Readings for each sign of the zodiac using the Tazama African Tarot!
Aries: Two of Cups – A new partnership emerges. This could be the start of something big.
Taurus: Ten of Wands reversed – A burden is released. Finally, you’re off duty.
Gemini: Knight of Wands – You may be required to take a risk. Don’t overthink this.
Cancer: The Hanged Man – You’re in an incubation period. You need more time to reevaluate matters.
Leo: Nine of Swords – A stressful situation keeps you up at night. Regulate your nervous system.
Virgo: Queen of Pentacles reversed – It’s better to stash your cash. Resist the urge to splurge.
Libra: Queen of Swords – Someone needs to be told off. Get ready to pop off!
Scorpio: The Chariot reversed – You may be forced to relinquish control over a situation. Sometimes, you have to let someone else take over.
Sagittarius: Five of Swords – A dishonorable person shows their fangs. Slay that dragon with your truth.
Capricorn: Nine of Wands – You’re at the tail end of a trying period. One more thing – then you’re done.
Aquarius: The Tower – A dramatic turn of events. Suddenly, it’s chaos, chaos, chaos.
Pisces: Four of Wands – A gathering with like-minded people soothes your spirit and elevates your mood. Have fun!
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Books: Learn how to read tarot like the High Priestess with Tarot: No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading. Get your astro-lingo down pat with Astrology For Real Life: A No B.S. Guide for the AstroCurious. Put it all together for your successful life with Twist Your Fate – Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot. Learn how to deliver compassionate readings with The Cards You’re Dealt – How to Deal When Life Gets Real.
images from stock photography and personal collection
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