The Full Moon in Leo 2022 happens on Wednesday, February 16th at 11:56 AM EST. Full Moons mark a time of completion, reflection, and revelation. This particular lunation is also happening on the same day of the Venus-Mars conjunction plus it squares the Nodes, which means this day is magical – and fate may play an important part in today’s events.

Leo rules the heart, so this Full Moon will allow you to get ultra-clear on what you desire – and where you need closure. Reflect on what you want and what is no longer serving you. Let go of anything that isn’t aligned with your passions so you can be ready to receive something better.

Venus conjunct Mars weaves an enchanting spell on matters of the heart (see a theme here?). A relationship might suddenly move to a new level. This could mean a commitment. However, if the partnership is unhealthy, the courage to call it quits is here. For single folks, the path is clear for new romantic adventures. If it’s been a minute since you’ve been on the dating scene, there is no better time for getting back out there. This conjunction is also favorable for money matters. You can attract more dough if you amp up your hustle. Venus promises abundance but Mars says: be ready to work for it (psst…this also applies to love – you can get the goods but you gotta do your part!).

The Full Moon’s square to the Nodes could deliver a surprising twist to the day. An ex may show up out of the blue, a current flame reveals a truth, or you might receive an epiphany that turns the beat completely around. Whatever happens will provide further clarity for better decision-making.

The Full Moon in Leo 2022 is also your nudge to acknowledge your achievements. Look back at how far you’ve come in the past six months. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished! You are a star!

And here’s some mini Full Moon in Leo 2022 Tarot Readings for each sign of the zodiac using the Dust II Onyx Tarot!

Full Moon in Leo 2022 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign


Aries: Ten of Staffs – The road has been long but you’re almost to the end. Don’t give up now! Keep going!

Taurus: The Moor – Seek guidance from a trusted mentor. They will help you sort everything out.

Gemini: Mama Gourd – You may be more emotional than usual. Listen to what your heart wants to say.

Cancer: Seven of Gourds – It’s hard to see which way to go at the moment. Take your time.

Leo: Mama Blade – Someone needs to speak the truth. Might as well be you. State the facts!

Virgo: Six of Staffs – You are heading toward a major win. The odds are in your favor.

Libra: Five of Blades – Treachery is afoot. Watch your back – and take all the high roads.

Scorpio: The Hermit – Your inner wisdom needs silence right now. Pipe down, step back, and listen closely.

Sagittarius: The Rider – A new adventure is on the way. Get ready for excitement as you blaze new trails!

Capricorn: Four of Staffs – Celebration time! Gather your people and find a reason to rejoice!

Aquarius: Three of Coins – You’re on top of your game – and you’re about to get the validation you need.

Pisces: Five of Staffs – Life seems challenging right now. It won’t be like this forever – stay in the fight.



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© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2022

images from stock photography and personal collection


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