Full Moon in Aquarius 2024 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

On Monday, August 19th, the  Full Moon in Aquarius 2024 arrives, surrounded by a slew of challenging aspects. This day promises to be intense, so be ready to roll with the astrological punches. On their own, Full Moons signal the end of a cycle. Something is coming to a close at last, paving the way for new beginnings. Aquarius is goal-oriented, so perhaps this day brings the completion of a mission that began earlier in the year. If so, celebrations may be in order. Because Aquarius is associated with friendships, it’s the perfect lunation to gather your posse for toasts and congratulations.

This Full Moon is a “supermoon,” a phenomenon that occurs when the Moon’s orbit is closer to the Earth than usual. It makes the Moon look more prominent than usual and adds oomph – like a power surge. Aquarian themes such as rebellion, revolution, community, and social justice are under the spotlight. Are we really in this together? That’s a great question to ask. On the world stage, we may get a clear idea of who is for the people and who isn’t. Powerful revelations may come to light as the people mobilize for a just world. If you wondered what role you could play, this Moon will reveal the way. Remember: Aquarius is progressive and future-oriented. While the past brings wisdom, the future offers possibility.

While all this sounds groovy, the cosmos is busy, complicating the energy. It begins with Venus in a square with Jupiter at 1:53 AM ET, an aspect that wants to bang on the drum all day rather than do the hard work. While that fits in with the celebratory vibe of the Full Moon in Aquarius, it can also lead to irresponsible, over-indulgent behavior. However, Venus will also oppose stern Saturn at 4:30 AM ET, an aspect associated with relationship struggles. These two opposing angles require a balance between fun and responsibility. By all means, have a good time, but don’t ignore other people’s needs and boundaries. You’ll also want to watch out for a tendency to turn sour if you’re not getting your needs met. Instead, it’s best to reflect first. What’s really going on? A bit of introspection can pave the way for healthy dialogues.

At 12:45 PM ET, the Leo Sun squares Uranus in Taurus. This challenging aspect casts an unpredictable edge to the day. The Sun in Leo is concerned with the self, while Uranus in Taurus demands freedom at all costs. On a personal level, you may feel anxious, especially if you’re gearing up for a change. Or you may be experiencing an unexpected situation that challenges your ability to be open-minded. Still, others might feel like breaking free from stifling situations. No matter what is happening, it’s best to be both grounded and flexible. You’ll also want to keep your ego and temper on a tight leash. The world stage promises to be interesting as clashes between the authoritarians and the collective come to the main stage (side note: the Democratic National Convention kicks off today…so keep an eye on the energy around that).

The Moon squares Uranus at 2:19 PM ET, only minutes before the Full Moon’s arrival at 2:26 PM ET. A burst of rebellion, excitement, and anger may pop up around that time. Keep your wits about you – and try to curb your impulse. Even if you feel anxious, it’s best to remain centered until it blows over in a few hours. Thankfully, the Full Moon in Aquarius sets off a void-of-course Moon, the period before the Moon heads into a different sign. Void moons are best for rest, reflection, and tying up loose ends. Use that energy to reconvene or regroup, especially if you feel off-kilter from all this massive astrological action.

The night’s big news is the Jupiter-Saturn square at 5:46 PM ET. When these two big planetary boys square off, expect a massive shift, personally and globally. Jupiter wants to expand, while Saturn says “no dice.” In the mutable signs of Gemini and Pisces, our thoughts, beliefs, and goals come crashing down with the thud of reality. This could create a cloud of uncertainty or a moral crisis that forces you to reassess your future. Take a deep breath and sit with this energy. Reflect on what work is needed to manifest your dreams. You’ll be back in the saddle a few days later, ready to do the hard labor. On the world stage, expect leaders to share their big visions alongside the hard work that needs to happen. Of course, Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn can bring both disinformation and harsh truths. Be discerning about what you’re taking in over the next week. Some truths won’t be pretty, but there will also be rays of hope as the collective (Full Moon in Aquarius, baby) comes together to do the actual work.

Ultimately, this day lays the groundwork for personal and global revolution. All for one and one for all. Let’s do this!

And here’s some mini Full Moon in Aquarius 2024 Tarot Readings with the Tarot of the Cosmic Seed!

Full Moon in Aquarius 2024 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign


Aries: Seven of Wands – You’re in a precarious position. Choose your battles wisely and you’ll win.

Taurus: Mastery of Coins – Your deepest goals are manifesting before your eyes. All in your favor!

Gemini: Nine of Wands – You’re coming near the end of a long, hard slog. Take a breath, but keep going.

Cancer: Six of Swords – The past is in the past at last. Don’t look back.

Leo: Nurturer of Wands – You’re at your fiery, creative best. Tend to your projects and watch them flourish.

Virgo: Two of Swords reversed – Recent decisions were right. Validation is on the way.

Libra: Ace of Cups – The way is cleared for a new emotional beginning. Everything is looking up!

Scorpio: Justice – The scales of karma are about to get rebalanced. Scores will be settled – and you’ll be free.

Sagittarius: The Devil – Be careful what you commit to at this time. It may be hard to get out of it later.

Capricorn: Mastery of Swords – Choose the logical, obvious choice. It’s clear – don’t get it twisted.

Aquarius: Three of Cups – You’ll have many reasons to celebrate soon – and the best people by your side. Cheers!

Pisces: Seven of Swords – A fox is lurking in your henhouse – and it’s not an obvious culprit. Shields up!



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Books: Learn how to read tarot like the High Priestess with Tarot: No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading. Get your astro-lingo down pat with Astrology For Real Life: A No B.S. Guide for the AstroCurious. Put it all together for your successful life with Twist Your Fate – Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot. Learn how to deliver compassionate readings with The Cards You’re Dealt – How to Deal When Life Gets Real.


© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2024

images from stock photography and personal collection


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