Common (Sixth) Sense is a regular feature devoted to practical uses of intuition. Making intuition simplistic for everyday mystics.
Ever feel disconnected from your sixth sense? Try to tap in and get a big ole meh…..?
Yes, your third eye can (and does) shut down at times. Too many readings, an off day, too much time with people who drain your energy – whatever the case may be, if you feel a disconnect, it’s time to reboot your intuition and plug back in
Here are some of my favorite solutions ‘n inspirations to get you back in touch with your gut and happily feeling those vibes again :
Get out in nature – there is a whole big world out there. Spend time in the fresh air and you’re good to go. (For the record, I am NOT a nature person but it does rejuvenate me almost instantly. I take regular walks in my hood when I am feeling blasé and it works like a charm.)
Spend time in quiet – shut off the television, turn off your phone, put your computer on sleep mode, and just sit with your eyes closed. We live in a world with constant noise. Turn that off and you’ll turn your sixth sense back on.
Read books about intuition such as Trust Your Vibes: Secret Tools for Six-Sensory Living by Sonia Choquette or How to Rule the World from Your Couch
by Laura Day. Both have excellent + fun exercises to stretch your skills. I also highly recommend The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us From Violence
by Gavin Becker – it’s an eye popping book on how intuition can save your life. And if you need something a little fluffier, check out There’s More to Life Than This: Healing Messages, Remarkable Stories, and Insight About the Other Side from the Long Island Medium
by Theresa Cuputo.
Get sleep. Sometimes a cat nap or a long, luxurious rest will do your spirits good. Quality shut eye often opens my third eye.
Buy a new meditation cushion. My favorite brand is Hugger Mugger Zafus Choice Yoga Meditation Cushion (Black). Nothing like a fancy new tuffet to inspire you to meditate (hint: meditation is the best way to get your intuition razor sharp).
Rub a few drops of Quintessence Serapis Bey 25ml in your hands and then gently rub your hands over your head and shoulders. I just learned about this product and I love it! It clears stale energy, pronto. (Bonus: it smells divine!) There is also a spray version that you could use in your office space or over your whole body: Quintessence Air Conditioner 100ml Serapis Bey
Declutter your space. Clearing space in your home or office is a fast way to move energy around. Short on time? Organize a drawer. Don’t know where to start? Check out 30 Days to Clarity by Debra Smouse – this program will get you clearing and cleaning in bite size steps.
A good massage. This is my absolute fave way to indulge myself and soothe my spirits (some of my best intuitive business flashes come while I’m getting a massage!). A regular rub down may just be the key to resetting your instincts.
These simple methods keep my motor humming and my intuition running strong. Always remember, you’ll have your off days too – but a few quick inspirations may keep those days to a minimum.
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014
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