
Consider this your PSA (public service announcement…or in this case, psychic service announcement):

Years ago, my husband had his wisdom teeth removed.  The oral surgeon gave him some oxycontin for pain and sent him on his way.  We’re not into meds around here and he wasn’t experiencing any discomfort, so he put them in a jar and stuck them in the fridge, “just in case.”

That just in case day arrived a few years later as I was innocently walking up the stairs (not that there is any other way to walk up them).  Suddenly, my healthy yoga toned back seized up in the most brutal fashion (for no reason at all – I can’t even blame this on something glam like wrestling a bear).

Doubled over in pain, I had to lie flat down on the kitchen floor because I could not even stand up straight.  The cats circled around me and laid down too.

I had never experienced this level of pain in my life.  Even childbirth was a walk on gumdrop lane compared to this (not kidding).  Plus, at least I got two great babies out that.  This, on the other hand, was scary as hell and I didn’t see any potential benefits.

After a few minutes of sweat-inducing agony, I begged my husband to “get me that hillbilly heroin out of the fridge.”  Yes, it was that bad.  And yes, I used those words.

I took the little pill and then laid back down.  And waited.  In about fifteen minutes, I started to feel “floaty.”  This seemed to be a good sign that something was working, so I sat up.  Ta da! The back pain was gone and I felt like myself again.  Only looser on every single level.  Like Grateful Dead hippie loose.

I announced that we needed to celebrate with Frappacinos so off to Starbucks we went.  As I sat in the car with my whipped coffee confection, I began to nod out.  Uh oh. This was NOT a good development.  We quickly drove home and I put my sorry ass to bed and slept the rest of the day away (thankfully, I had a rare day off).  Like I said above, we’re not into meds plus I’m a small woman.  I was completely knackered.  Down for the count. The Frappacino went to waste.

The next day, I felt fantastic except for one thing: I vaguely remembered that I was angry at a friend but I couldn’t recall why.  I could not wrap my foggy head around the situation or my feelings.  Instead, I was all sugar sprinkles and fairy dust every time I thought about it.  It took me a full 48 hours to remember – and when I was finally able to recollect the transgression, it was one that was well worth my anger.

That whole incident allowed me to finally understand why people get addicted to substances: they help you to NOT feel.  And while that may be great when you are lying on the floor writhing in pain, it’s not so good for your instincts. Intuition under the influence of drugs or alcohol is more like trying to navigate in a pitch dark room without a flashlight.

The key to intuition is being able to FEEL and DISCERN.  When you abuse substances, you are numbing your sensitivity and clouding your judgement.  This is why you see people get into dubious situations when impaired – your instincts and common sense go right down the toilet when you are under the influence.  You cannot read energy or situations accurately.

If you want to be deeply connected to your inner wisdom, leave the substances alone.

Intuition is a delicate tool.  It must be kept clean and sharp if you want it to function properly. 


Additional notes if intuition is part of your livelihood:

If you are doing any sort of psychic work, you need a clear head.  You need to be PRESENT for your client.  Which means you need to keep your partying and work separate.  This is about taking responsibility and showing up 100%. (I don’t even take a sip of wine when I am reading tarot.  Once it’s wine o’ clock at The Tarot Lady hub, the doors are closed.)

Likewise, if someone comes to you inebriated, you may want to turn them away and have them come back when they are sober.  This will save you a lot of aggravation.

It’s the same when you are coming to a reader (or any professional that you want to work with for that matter).  Showing up drunk or hopped up on pills is not going to help you get an accurate reading. The best energy work is done when both parties are clear headed and present.  (That being said, there are some situations where prescription meds are necessary.  That’s a very different energy than someone who is abusing substances.)

In my long time in the tarot trenches, I have read for many an addict.  It’s never my job to judge them, only to help them.  But it’s very hard to help someone when they are in such a brain fog that they can’t hear what I say.  Drug and alcohol energy is “thick”, which also makes it tricky to read. (Try doing readings in a bar for drunk people and you’ll know exactly what I mean.) It’s like a red herring that will lead you in one direction when perhaps the matter is something entirely different. A good reader must be hyper grounded in those circumstances to balance the energy out.  Meditation and grounding techniques are great to do beforehand if you know you’ll be working with someone who may be intoxicated.

Does this mean you shouldn’t get a reading if you are an addict?  Not at all – but you need to be upfront with your reader so that they can actually help you.  In my experience, most addicts have trouble being open about their issue because of the tremendous shame around it.  An intuitive may be able to help you get to the heart of the issue and point towards the right path for healing – but that can only happen if you show up with honesty.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014


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