The Hit List – Good vibes and antibiotics

The Hit List – Good vibes and antibiotics

TThis past week, our elderly cat took a turn for the worse. He’s taken many turns, but like most felines, he does seem to have nine lives. Monkey (that’s his name) rebounded by Thursday night. He lives on for another day. It’s hard to watch your furry friends suffer....
The Hit List – Okay, doomer

The Hit List – Okay, doomer

Many years ago, I received a psychic reading from a woman who spoke in hushed and urgent tones. She said I would “never meet Mr. Right,” something I wasn’t even thinking about at the time. Of course, she also had a $99 candle service to sell me. I never paid for...
The Hit List – Cutting the invisible cord

The Hit List – Cutting the invisible cord

I remember the time before cell phones and email. If someone tried to call you but you weren’t home, they would try later. Or they’d leave a message with your housemates. Once answering machines came around, there was no need for a human. The caller could simply...

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