by Theresa Reed | Sep 18, 2014 | Learn Tarot, Tarot Reading, Tarot Skills, Which Tarot Card Indicates
The “which tarot cards indicate” feature is designed to increase your tarot vocabulary and help you build a stronger database of tarot card meanings. Which tarot cards indicate love at first sight? Two of Cups – this is the classic card of attraction. The Two...
by Theresa Reed | Sep 17, 2014 | Tarot Business, Tarot Reading, Tarot Skills
Ever get a tarot reading and don’t understand what the heck it means? Feel like your reader is speaking some arcane mumbo-jumbo? Worried that you’re a dummy for not understanding what a Hierophant is? Even the best tarot communicators can sometimes sound like...
by Theresa Reed | Sep 10, 2014 | Tarot Reading, Uncategorized
Are tarot readings always positive? Every once in a while, I get that question. I’m not sure if people ask that because they are having a hard time believing that their life can be good – or if they feel skeptical because nothing really “bad” showed up. Whatever...
by Theresa Reed | Jul 30, 2014 | Tarot Reading, Tarot Skills, Uncategorized
The tarot class is humming along when suddenly the Death card comes up. What does this card say to you? “According to the book I have, it says it’s about transformation.” “I think this card is scary. It makes me think someone is going to die. I hate it.” “That...
by Theresa Reed | Jul 9, 2014 | Tarot Reading
The hardest tarot reading ever goes something like this: a woman wants to know if he’s going to leave his skank of a girlfriend (her words, not mine) and come back to her. The cards show a not-so-pretty picture. (Sorry, but trying to spin the Three of Swords as a...
by Theresa Reed | Jun 26, 2014 | Tarot, Tarot Business, Tarot Reading
The phone rang and a quivering voice was on the other line. “My brother died” said the woman. “I’m so sorry to hear that.” I replied. “How come the tarot didn’t see that in our last reading?” was the next thing out of her mouth. Pause. Tarot doesn’t know everything....