Does The Death Card Mean Physical Death?

Are Tarot Readers Psychic?

This month, I’m answering some of your biggest, gnarliest (and most common) questions about tarot. Today’s question: are tarot readers psychic? Short answer: maybe. Long answer: some are, some aren’t.  In the tarot world you will find a lot of variety in this arena. ...
Does The Death Card Mean Physical Death?

How Often Can I Get a Tarot Reading?

This month, I’m answering some of your biggest, gnarliest (and most common) questions about tarot.   Today’s question: How often can I get a tarot reading? Sometimes people will ask me this right after they’ve had their first reading.  And here’s my rule of...
Does The Death Card Mean Physical Death?

Can Anyone Learn To Read Tarot?

This month, I’m answering some of your biggest, gnarliest (and most common) questions about tarot. Today’s question:  Can Anyone Learn To Read Tarot? Short answer: yes. Long answer: anyone can learn to read the tarot but it takes practice, patience and an open mind...

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