Welcome to Breaking Down the Celtic Cross – A Tutorial Series for Tarot Beginners
If you’re a tarot fan, you’ve probably seen the famed Celtic Cross spread in many books. You’ve maybe even given it a whirl…but found yourself struggling to make it work.
Or maybe you’ve never tried it because it just seemed to darn confusing.
I know exactly how you feel. When I first begin delving into the Tarot, this was the first spread I ever attempted. (Yes, I like to start out the hard way.) In fact, it was the only spread featured in the book.
I remember being completely baffled, thinking I would never “get it.” But I’m a persistent gal…so I kept at it.
Soon, I began to grasp how it works. And I’ve used it now for over thirty years.
I use it as an opening spread or “general outlook” for the year ahead. I use it to get more detailed information on a question.
I get it.
I want you to get it too.
That’s why I developed this tutorial series for you, my Tarot-loving friend.
This in-depth ongoing series is going to help you understand the components of the spread and learn how to grok it like a pro.
Each lesson is straightforward, with easy to understand explanations written in plain ole English. We are going to look at every single aspect of this spread from top to bottom, sideways and in-between with theories, exercises (I call them Tarotcises!) and tips
If you’ve always wanted to tackle this spread but never thought you could, you are going to dig Breaking Down the Celtic Cross.
So grab a chair, a mug of tea, and your favorite deck – and let’s get this Tarot party started!
Lesson 1: Laying it out
How to lay out the Celtic Cross spread and a general guideline on each position.
Lesson 2: The mini cross
The little cross in the middle of the spread gives you clues to the present moment – and sets the tone for the reading.
Lesson 3: The past position
The past reveals what led up to the current circumstances.
Lesson 4: The recent past position
What’s leaving – and what is your takeaway?
Lesson 5: The possible outcome
This shows the potential or where you may be heading.
Lesson 6: The near future:
This position indicates something that is coming soon.
Lesson 7: The self position
This will show the querent’s attitude.
Lesson 8: The environment position
What or who might be influencing the situation?
Lesson 9: The hopes and fears position
What do you want…or dread?
Lesson 10: The outcome
What’s the future?
Lesson 11: Scan and count
Lay ’em out, scan + count. BAM!
Lesson 12: The Threes
Mini readings within the Celtic Cross.
Lesson 13: The Fours
More mini readings with four card
Lesson 14: The Karmic Patterns
When you have four or more Majors in the spread, there may be a bigger lesson to explore.
Lesson 15: Sample reading
This quick sample reading will give you a glimpse into reading a Celtic Cross.
Lesson 16: The Storyboard Tarotcise
In this lesson, we’re deconstructing the Celtic Cross and using stories to uncover meanings.
Lesson 17: The Memento Tarotcise
Look backward and what might you learn?
Additional Resources
a few suggested sites and books to help further your studies.