The Hit List – Cold snaps and ginger snaps

The Hit List – Cold snaps and ginger snaps

My mother was a prolific and talented baker. Every week, she made a dozen loaves of bread, biscuits, coffee cake, and sweet treats such as blitz tortes or Lady Esther cakes. I spent many hours in the kitchen helping her out and learning her secrets (how to measure...
The Hit List – Blue Moon

The Hit List – Blue Moon

Yesterday, I woke up feeling blue. There wasn’t any real reason behind that sadness. Nothing “happened” to cause this. Of course, I can always blame astrology. A Full Moon in Leo creating a tough aspect to my natal Moon coupled with an impending Mercury retrograde can...
The Hit List – I’m glad you asked…ugh

The Hit List – I’m glad you asked…ugh

If you’ve been in my world long enough, you know that I’m a Libra rising. You might also know that Libra risings like courtesy. Good manners will get you far. We also love relationships and sharing. It comes naturally for us. We’re “people-people.” So, as...

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