The Hit List – You’ve got no mail

The Hit List – You’ve got no mail

When I was a little girl, nothing made me happier than trotting down to the post office to retrieve the mail. I felt like a big shot – especially when my beloved Humpty Dumpty magazine showed up. I think the mail lady who ran the place thought I was obnoxious...
The Hit List – Freeze Framed

The Hit List – Freeze Framed

The other day I was recording a little something. It wasn’t a big deal nor was it too long. I had my info ready, was well-rehearsed, and knew the info inside and out. My hair was pressed, lipstick perfect, and surroundings neat enough. As soon as the camera rolled,...
The Hit List – Reflecting on the eclipse

The Hit List – Reflecting on the eclipse

Last year, around the summer eclipse, I set an intention. I would begin moving away from one-on-one work to focus on writing and teaching. I had felt this tugging at my sleeve for some time. There was no more ignoring that call – I closed the books and moved...

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