by Theresa Reed | Apr 25, 2023 | Astrology, Astrology for Relationships, Star Crossed
The Stars Crossed series focuses on astrological compatibility. While it’s way more complicated than just your Sun sign, we’re starting off with the Sun because it is an important part of your astrology profile. After all, it’s your core personality. This month, we...
by Theresa Reed | Apr 22, 2023 | The Hit List
Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday. You might have heard astrologers talking about it. That’s not unusual since it seems to be one of the most talked-about transits. You’ve probably heard all the “rules” too: back up your computer, don’t sign contracts, avoid...
by Theresa Reed | Apr 18, 2023 | Astrology, Tarot
The Solar Eclipse in Aries 2023 arrives in the middle of the night on April 20th at 12:13 AM ET. This promises to bring a dramatic shift in the world or your life. Here’s why: the eclipse happens at 29º Aries, a critical degree, and kicks off the Aries-Libra...
by Theresa Reed | Apr 15, 2023 | The Hit List
I’m perfectly happy spending lots of time alone. As a highly sensitive person, I find solitude to be a balm for my soul, especially when the world is too dark and loud. But even though I enjoy my own company, there are times when I crave community. After all, even...
by Theresa Reed | Apr 8, 2023 | Uncategorized
I cannot write my usual stuff this weekend. I’m reeling from the news that Tarot legend Rachel Pollack has left this earthly plane. How can I write about my foibles and musings when one of the most important influences in my life is gone? If you’re a Tarot person, you...
by Theresa Reed | Apr 3, 2023 | Astrology, Tarot
The Full Moon in Libra 2023 lights up the skies on April 6th at 12:34 AM ET. If you’re on a different coast, you’ll glimpse this beauty on the 5th instead. A Full Moon occurs when the earth moves between the Sun and the Moon. This lunar phase symbolizes...
by Theresa Reed | Apr 1, 2023 | The Hit List
Recently, I attended an event with the medium John Edward. I’ve never been to one of these before, so I was excited – and curious. It was amazing to watch him work, but I was also blown away by the truth bombs he shared with the audience about the work he does....
by Theresa Reed | Mar 25, 2023 | The Hit List
Just the other day, Pluto dipped a toe into Aquarius. Astrologers have been anticipating this transit and talking plenty about revolution, one of the themes of this transit. Not surprising our focus is there, given what’s going on in France at the moment. Fun fact:...
by Theresa Reed | Mar 19, 2023 | Astrology, Tarot
Aries season begins and ends with a bang. The day after the Sun moves into the sign of the Ram, the New Moon in Aries 2023 arrives on the 21st at 1:23 PM ET. A second Aries Moon, this time a Solar Eclipse, will be present on the 20th of April, right as Taurus enters...
by Theresa Reed | Mar 18, 2023 | The Hit List
There it was. A snarky little comment with a smiley face sitting ugly on my post. No one has time for that. Delete, block, move on, and dusted my shoulders off. When you’re a business owner or author, at some point, you will encounter someone like this. It might be a...