by Theresa Reed | Jul 4, 2021 | Learn Tarot, Podcast, Tarot Bytes
Tarot Bytes: The Podcast Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons. Episode 207...
by Theresa Reed | Jul 3, 2021 | Tarot, Tarot Profession, Tarot Readers, The Hit List
What happens when your tarot reader or astrologer retires or moves on? How do you discover your new fave? What if you can’t find someone who reads you as well as your former diviner? These are questions I’ve been getting a lot since I’ve stopped reading for the...
by Theresa Reed | Jul 2, 2021 | Astrology, Astrology Bytes, Podcast
ASTROLOGY BYTES: THE PODCAST Bite-sized astrology lessons for total astrology newbies. Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady (psst…I am known for tarot but I’m also an astrology geek!). Welcome to Astrology Bytes, the astrology podcast for people who...
by Theresa Reed | Jun 26, 2021 | The Hit List
While running errands with my husband, we found ourselves musing about the things that give us joy these days: elegant dinners, interesting television shows, long bike rides, and renovating the house. We also chatted about what keeps us up at night. Namely, health...
by Theresa Reed | Jun 22, 2021 | Astrology, Tarot
The Full Moon in Capricorn 2021 will be here on June 24th at 2:40 PM EDT. This is also a “Supermoon,” which means it’s close to the earth and appears larger than usual. Because the Full Moon is associated with manifestation and completion, you can be sure this one...